Si tu reprends "mon" script, qui vient du web, il suffit de faire un gif de 1 px carré, de la couleur hexadécimale que tu souhaites.
Sinon, j'ai trouvé ça (très rapidement). :siffle:
This javascript will automatically pick random backgrounds from the one's that you list or the color that you specify as your background color in your body tag.
Click Reload to see a new background...
Put this first part in your <head></head> tag.
var timeout1;
var Imager = new Array;
var RandomBackground;
Imager[0] = "BACKGROUND #1"
Imager[1] = "BACKGROUND #2"
Imager[2] = "BACKGROUND #3"
Imager[3] = "BACKGROUND #4"
RandomBackground = Imager[Math.floor(Math.random() * Imager.length)];
Now copy this into your body tag.
For example, my body tag looks like this
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="&{RandomBackground};" TEXT="#000000"
LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#000080" ALINK="#000080">
You can add more pictures by inserting the line...
Imager[#] = "BACKGROUND #"
Where "#" is the next incrimental number.
Remember to change the names of your background pictures!