Création de sauvegarde impossible avec Winclone


Membre actif
11 Octobre 2004
Le Gosier (Guadeloupe)

J'essai de créer une sauvegarde de ma partition Bootcamp (Windows 7) avec Winclone mais contrairement aux nombreuses fois où j'ai réalisé cette opération, là ça échoue direct avec le message suivant : Errors found. Check log for details. Et quand je regarde les logs, j'ai ces infos :
Bloc de code:
Sun Nov  6 00:23:49 CET 2011
=====backing up boot sector=====

/bin/dd if="/dev/disk0" of="/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/boot.mbr" bs=446 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
446 bytes transferred in 0.017618 secs (25315 bytes/sec)
return value of /bin/dd if="/dev/disk0" of="/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/boot.mbr" bs=446 count=1 is 0

=======creating empty file to overwrite pagefile.sys with=========

/usr/bin/touch /tmp/winclone_empty_file
return value of /usr/bin/touch /tmp/winclone_empty_file is 0

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 0

=======copying empty file over pagefile.sys=========

"/Library/NTFSProgs/ntfscp" "/dev/disk0s3" /tmp/winclone_empty_file pagefile.sys
return value of "/Library/NTFSProgs/ntfscp" "/dev/disk0s3" /tmp/winclone_empty_file pagefile.sys is 0

current size is 131202023424
partition id is 0x07
=====Saving NTFS filesystem size==========

/bin/echo "131202019328" > "/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/size"
return value of /bin/echo "131202019328" > "/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/size" is 0

=====Saving partition id=====

/bin/echo "0x07" > "/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/partitionid"
return value of /bin/echo "0x07" > "/Users/admin/Desktop/Untitled.winclone/partitionid" is 0

partition format is NTFS
   Name:                     Windows NT File System (NTFS)
Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

Unmounting /dev/disk0s3
Use of uninitialized value $command in concatenation (.) or string at /Applications/ line 548.
/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount "/dev/disk0s3"return value of unmount is 256

output is disk0s3 was already not mounted

 did not complete successfully
cleaning up: Mounting Disk
Volume BOOTCAMP on /dev/disk0s3 mounted
Sun Nov  6 00:23:53 CET 2011

Je ne comprend pas d'où vient le problème.

Une idée ? Merci.

Note du modérateur (ici Aliboron) :
Il est ici question de Boot Camp, de Windows... Comme on a bien entendu lu au préalable le message de Pascal77 en tête du forum "Applications", on déménage vers "Windows sur Mac", là où se retrouvent les spécialistes de la chose. Et hop !!!

Remarque : ce n'est ni une brimade, ni une punition, c'est juste un peu de rangement...

Dernière édition par un modérateur:
J'ai le même problème avec la dernière version de Winclone et Snow Leopard. :rose: