dd externe format fat32 et MacOs?


Membre expert
Club iGen
13 Décembre 2001
2 160

je souhaiterais pouvoir formater mon disque dur externe (momobay 20go) en 2 partitions :

- l'une en fat32 pour une utilisation sur pc
- l'autre en macos etendu

ma question est simple : est-ce que c'est possible ?
oui c'est possible...mais pas immédiat, même compliqué...
voir ici et ça donne ça :
The idea is to create partitions on target windows system and than format them on OS X.

You should be root and very carefull in terminal window on OS X.

1. Create two partitions in Windows (w2k in my case), first for HFS+, second for FAT32. No need to format them.
2. Connect drive to OS X. Befor switching drive on run this command from terminal

ls /dev/rdisk?

, you'll get list of current disks.

3. Switch on ext. drive. If OS X pop up with window about initing new drive press ignore.

4. Repeat last command. Now you should see one more disk in the list. Remeber it's number (f.e. 2).

5. Make

ls /dev/rdisk2*

You should get rdisk2s1 and rdisk2s2 - first is first partition, second is second.

6. Run command

newfs_hfs -v VOLUME_NAME /dev/rdisk2s1

When it's done you have HFS+ partition.

7. Run command

newfs_msdos -v FAT_VOLUME_NAME -F 32 /dev/rdisk2s2

Now you have FAT32. It's not limited by 32G - I have 100G and it works at least with OS X 10.2.6.

7. Powercycle ext. drive.

8. In my case OS X picks up FAT32 partition, but doesn't recognize HFS+ (what an irony . Type

hdid /dev/disk2s1

and it will mount and show icon on display. Pay attention - this time it's not rdisk2s1, but disk2s1.

9. On Windows go to disk manager and assign some letter to FAT32 drive. W2K works fine with partitions >32G, just doesn't want to create them.

This is it.
tu te sens d'attaque, bouilla ?

whaou! je m'etais resolu a laisser tomber, je croyais que c t pas faisable

Merci beaucoup en tout cas, j'amenerais momo au bureau avec moi demain pour essayer sur le pc, je vous tiens au courant.

p.s.: tu viens plus sur ichat maousse ?!