Une info que j'ai trouvée sur un autre forum. (iPhon.fr)
En consultant chez APPLE les clauses de garantie de l'iPad, on apprend ceci:
En résumé, si j'ai bien compris, Apple garantirait l'iPad en France mais à la condition que l'acheteur se soit acquitté des taxes d'importation.
Le document d'origine : http://images.apple.com/legal/warranty/docs/NA_iPad_Warranty_v20.pdf
En consultant chez APPLE les clauses de garantie de l'iPad, on apprend ceci:
If you seek service in a country that is not the country of original purchase, you will comply with all applicable import and export laws and regulations and be responsible for all custom duties, V.A.T. and other associated taxes and charges. Where international service is available, Apple may repair or exchange defective products and parts with comparable products and parts that comply with local standards. In accordance with applicable law, Apple may require that you furnish proof of purchase details and/or comply with registration requirements before receiving warranty service. Resources with more details on this and other matters on obtaining warranty service are described below.
En résumé, si j'ai bien compris, Apple garantirait l'iPad en France mais à la condition que l'acheteur se soit acquitté des taxes d'importation.
Le document d'origine : http://images.apple.com/legal/warranty/docs/NA_iPad_Warranty_v20.pdf