Ben je ne sais pas, voici ce que l'on peut lire sur le site Connectix :
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Geneva">quote:</font><HR>RAM Doubler 9 compatibility with Mac OS 9.1
Is RAM Doubler 9 compatible with Mac OS 9.1?
Absolutely! RAM Doubler 9 is compatible with Mac OS 9.1. However, we have had reports of users receiving messages from RAM Doubler that "it has been moved" after *upgrading* from Mac OS 9.0 to Mac OS 9.1.
If this problem persists, just reinstall RAM Doubler 9 and that will take care of the problem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Gwenhiver Truly addicted to MacG
[Ce message a été modifié par Gwenhiver (edited 30 Avril 2001).]