Allows the delegate to supply a dock menu for the application dynamically.
Bloc de code:
- (NSMenu *)applicationDockMenu:(NSApplication *)sender
The application object associated with the delegate.
Return Value
The menu to display in the dock.
You can also connect a menu in Interface Builder to the dockMenu outlet. A third way for your application to specify a dock menu is to provide an NSMenu in a nib.
If this method returns a menu, this menu takes precedence over the dockMenu in the nib.
The target and action for each menu item are passed to the dock. On selection of the menu item the dock messages your application, which should invoke [NSApp sendAction:selector to:target from:nil].
To specify an NSMenu in a nib, you add the nib name to the info.plist, using the key AppleDockMenu. The nib name is specified without an extension. You then create a connection from the file’s owner object (which by default is NSApplication) to the menu. Connect the menu to the dockMenu outlet of NSApplication. The menu is in its own nib file so it can be loaded lazily when the dockMenu is requested, rather than at launch time.
Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.
Available as part of an informal protocol prior to Mac OS X v10.6.
Declared In