Thank you for contacting RealNetworks Technical Support.
My name is Varun Reddy. I am a RealNetworks Technical Support Engineer.
I understand that you want to know if a version of RealPlayer will be available for the Mac OS X.
Please note that RealNetworks is fully committed to the Macintosh and we're actively working on bringing our latest technologies to the Macintosh platform.
We appreciate your interest in our latest products, however, we maintain a policy of not commenting or speculating on any possible future products.
RealNetworks posts all relevant information about current product releases on our Web site. Please visit it at:
periodically to get the latest about RN.
Additional Information.
Please refer to the following knowledgebase article for information on the compatibility of RealPlayer with the Mac OS X.
Is RealPlayer compatible with Macintosh OS X?
This document applies to:
- RealPlayer G2, 7, 8
RealPlayer 8 is compatible with, and supported under Macintosh Operating Systems 8.1 - 9.1.
While you may be able to use RealPlayer 8 with Mac OS X in the Classic Environment, RealNetworks has not tested for compatibility and does not currently provide support for RealPlayer on Mac OSX.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Varun Reddy
Talisma Corporation
RealNetworks Authorized Support Provider