Salut à tous,
Je suis l'admin d'un site ( et j'essaye pour la première fois d'utiliser un script CGI.
Il s'agit du script "formmail-vf" qui permet d'envoyer un formulaire rempli sur une page web et l'envoyer par email.
Je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner et j'ai un message d'erreur :
"CGIWrap Error: Script Execution Failed
CGIWrap encountered an error while attempting to execute this script:
Error Message: Permission denied
Error Number: 13
This message usually indicates there is a problem with the script itself. Often this indicates either that the #! line of the script is incorrect, or the script was uploaded in binary mode instead of ascii mode. Check to make sure that the script does not have control-M's at the end of every line. That will prevent it from executing. An easy fix that takes care of this most of the time is to put '#!/.../perl --' instead of '#!/.../perl' on the first line of the script.
If you are not the owner of this script, please forward this error and the URL that caused it to the script owner. That is often the component in the URL right after /cgiwrap/. "
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me conseiller ?
Quel bonquin me faudrait-il ?
Au secours, ca fait 1 semaine que je me bagarre avec ce put... de script
Merci d'avance
Je suis l'admin d'un site ( et j'essaye pour la première fois d'utiliser un script CGI.
Il s'agit du script "formmail-vf" qui permet d'envoyer un formulaire rempli sur une page web et l'envoyer par email.
Je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner et j'ai un message d'erreur :
"CGIWrap Error: Script Execution Failed
CGIWrap encountered an error while attempting to execute this script:
Error Message: Permission denied
Error Number: 13
This message usually indicates there is a problem with the script itself. Often this indicates either that the #! line of the script is incorrect, or the script was uploaded in binary mode instead of ascii mode. Check to make sure that the script does not have control-M's at the end of every line. That will prevent it from executing. An easy fix that takes care of this most of the time is to put '#!/.../perl --' instead of '#!/.../perl' on the first line of the script.
If you are not the owner of this script, please forward this error and the URL that caused it to the script owner. That is often the component in the URL right after /cgiwrap/. "
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me conseiller ?
Quel bonquin me faudrait-il ?
Au secours, ca fait 1 semaine que je me bagarre avec ce put... de script
Merci d'avance