par pur hasard j'ai aidé quelqu'un sur ce probleme ( pas sur un forum)
je recopie le mail, ca peut servir
Sur le réveil-suspension
voir surtout le texte en anglais en bas
En gros plusieurs causes possibles
-un conflit avec un périphérique USB
( imprimante , palm, scanner etc)
en ce cas
débrancher les peripheriques ( sauf souris et clavier)
réparer les autorisations
( tu peux aussi verifier brancher-rebrancher clavier et souris)
- une mise à jour capricieuse
en ce cas refaire une mise à jour combo ( combinée)
ca a l'avantage de " repasser une couche" par dessus les mises à jours précédentes et souvent corrige des défauts
nettoyage à la main et autres
vu sur un forum Apple ( géré par Apple) des pistes qui me paraissent sensées
A number of sleep-related issues can appear after incremental Mac OSX updates, including the inability to properly go to sleep, problems waking from sleep, and having your display go to sleep without your Mac going to sleep. The most common culprit is Bluetooth. Try these tips to fix your sleep problems.
In System Preferences>Bluetooth, uncheck Allow Bluetooth Devices To Wake This Computer. If you are using a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, you'll have to wake your Mac by pressing the power button.
Your Bluetooth preference file may be corrupt-you'll need to delete it. Turn Bluetooth off, then go to the /Users/user name/Library/Preferences folder. Look for a file called and trash it.The OS will create a new preference file when you enable Bluetooth again.
*économiseur et fichiers réveil
If you have issues with a Mac or display that goes to sleep at inappropriate times, you may have a problem with Energy Saver. Delete the following .plist files and restart:
-/Users/username/Library/Preferences/ is your name or System Administrators name).
A restart is very important after deleting these plists. After a reboot your Mac will then generate new ones.
*mise à jour à refaire
Some, in these forums, have had luck fixing sleep issues downloading the Combo update from this site (yours may be corrupt), not Software Update, disconnect all firewire + USB devices except keyboard + mouse, Repair Permissions, re-install update, Repair Permissions again + try.
Yours would be the xxx Others reading, download the combo update that applies to you!