Je n'y joue pas. J'ai néanmoins lu des chiffres là-dessus, qui placent la conso entre 1 et 5 Mo / heure.
Mais il y a sûrement des experts, ou des anciens abonnés de Noos en France.
Tiens, en complément:
In practical terms, 250 gigabytes is:
A LOT of Web usage. Your typical daily Web/email/IM usage is probably somewhere between 10-50 megabytes -- maybe 100-200 if you're watching some low-quality YouTube, or 300-500 if you're watching a few hours of Hulu every day. So normal Web users won't have any problems. (1000 megabytes = roughly 1 gigabyte.)
A LOT of World of Warcraft. Downloading game patches uses a bunch of bandwidth once in a while, but normal game play t
ops out around 30-60 kilobytes/second, or maybe a 100-200 megabytes an hour run rate,
according to one blog. Another user says normal usage is closer to 1-5 megabytes per hour. Continue to play until your eyes bleed.
2500-4000 MP3 albums, or 50,000 3-minute songs. Depending on quality/length, an MP3 album is somewhere between 60 and 100 megabytes. Amazon says its 3-minute MP3s are about 5 megabytes. There are only 43,200 minutes in a 30-day month, or enough time to listen to 14,400 3-minute songs. So you'll be ok.
170-250 iTunes movie downloads. Digital movies in standard-def run between 1 and 1.5 gigabytes. "No Country For Old Men" is about 1.3 gigs, friend-o.
- 50-60 HD movie downloads. These run closer to 4-5 gigabytes each. So theoretically, this could be a problem, one day, for people who download more than 2 movies a day. Do you know any of those folks?
So: If you download one HD movie a week, six standard-def movies a week, 5 albums a week, play a ton of WoW, and surf a lot of YouTube and Hulu, you'll still struggle to use 100 gigabytes of bandwidth per month. We think you'll also struggle to listen to all that music and watch all those movies. Also, you should get out more. It's nice outside! Go for a walk.
Bottom line: 250 gigabytes is a fair cap for now. According to DSLReports'
tipster, this would only impact about 14,000 subscribers out of 14 million -- or the top 0.1% of downloaders.