Utilitaires cherche soft encrypteur


Membre actif
20 Mai 2017

Je suis sous Mac OS Catalina.
Sous Windows,j'utilise un encrypteur KeyScrambler afin de dérouter les keyloggers.
Tout ce que je saisie au clavier est encrypté.
Je cherche une application gratuite de ce genre fonctionnant sous Mac OS Catalina

merci de votre aide
avec ça ? https://support.apple.com/en-my/guide/mac-help/mchlc74c1c9f/mac

How to activate your on-screen Mac Keyboard in macOS? The Virtual Keyboard feature of OS X is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a software-based keyboard that can be used as an auxiliary onscreen keyboard to type anything on a Mac. These virtual keys are pressable by clicking on them with a cursor, rather than tapping the physical keys on a hardware keyboard. To turn on the onscreen keyboard:

  1. Go to the System Preferences panel.
  2. Select the “International” icon.
  3. Go to the “Input Menu” tab.
  4. Select the “Keyboard Viewer”
  5. You now should have an American flag in your menu bar. …
  6. You now should have a keyboard on your desktop that displays whatever your press on your keyboard.
