derniere news macosrumours/
New PowerMac G5s still a few days away? The countdown has begun for the long-awaited second generation PowerMac G5s employing the 90nm PowerPC 970FX at up to 2.6GHz, but the grapevine is deeply divided over predictions of how soon it will come.
Presently we are taking any particular projection with a grain of salt, but the middle of the road appears to be Single 2.0GHz - Dual 2.4GHz - Dual 2.6GHz with roughly the same price points as today's G5s. There has also been substantial speculation about a new 8X Superdrive. Timing is, as always, the murkiest aspect of these rumors but the middle of the road would seem to be either this coming Friday or the following Monday.
ça chauffe 
tjrs rien sur les nouveaux ecrans