Je ne comprends pas pourquoi je me suis fait censuré à maintes reprises depuis plusieurs semaines quand je balances dans les commentaires MacGé que l'on peut trouver des téléphones USB Skype de chez Linksys éstampillés "iPhone" même à la Fnac.
"So the iPhone really is here. (Actually, its been here since October 2005 at least, but more on that later).
Apparently, Cisco (who owns Linksys) acquired Infogear Technology Corporation in 2000, and Infogear had trademarked iPhone all the way back in 1996. I was also told that the CIT200 was the first Linksys-branded product in the iPhone family, which has been shipping since October of 2005. I guess we all missed that one."
Tu m'étonnes.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi je me suis fait censuré à maintes reprises depuis plusieurs semaines quand je balances dans les commentaires MacGé que l'on peut trouver des téléphones USB Skype de chez Linksys éstampillés "iPhone" même à la Fnac.
"So the iPhone really is here. (Actually, its been here since October 2005 at least, but more on that later).
Apparently, Cisco (who owns Linksys) acquired Infogear Technology Corporation in 2000, and Infogear had trademarked iPhone all the way back in 1996. I was also told that the CIT200 was the first Linksys-branded product in the iPhone family, which has been shipping since October of 2005. I guess we all missed that one."
Tu m'étonnes.