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Mort de rire!
[/hors] /ubbthreads/http://forums.macg.co/vbulletin/images/smiliesold/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/http://forums.macg.co/vbulletin/images/smiliesold/laugh.gif
ça-y-est mais c'est pas de ma faute à moi si ça lag, d'ailleurs je m'étais corrigé et le dernier mot est FRAGGERS /ubbthreads/http://forums.macg.co/vbulletin/images/smiliesold/tongue.gif
TOIle de maître que ce tableau html qui reccueille nos phrases que TEXTUELLES
[hors topic]attention, un jeu de mots s'est dissimulé dans ce texte[/hors topic]
MERCI de ma laisser le temps de poster, surtout pouder des post comme celui qui suit : enfin tant PIS
[hors topic car trop tard]
JOLIEt /ubbthreads/http://forums.macg.co/vbulletin/images/smiliesold/ooo.gif when we make love you use to cry
you said I love you like the stars above I'll love you till I die
there's a place for us you know the movie song
when you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?
I can't do the talk like the talk on the tv
and I can't do a love song like the way its meant to be
I can't do everything but I'd do anything for you
can't do anything except be in love with you
and all I do is miss you and the way we used to be
all I do is keep the beat the bad company
all I do is kiss you through the bars of Orion
jolie I'd do the stars with you any time
joliet when we made love you used to cry
you said I love you like the stars above Ill love you till I die
there's a place for us you know the movie song
when you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?
a lovestruck romeo sings the streets a serenade
laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made
finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade
says something like you and me babe how about IT? /ubbthreads/http://forums.macg.co/vbulletin/images/smiliesold/smile.gif
[/hors topic car trop tard]
AVIs à la population du train, la compagnie des wagons-lits vous informe que la voiture-restaurant (voiture 15) est ouverte. Le bar, lui, l'est tout le TEMPS.