Liste des différences Final Cut Express / FC Pro


Membre actif
22 Novembre 2000
Avec la sortie de Final Cut Express, tout le monde se pose un peu la question des options retirées à Final Cut Pro pour en faire cette version réservée aux monteurs DV.
Voici une liste trouvée sur une liste de diffusion, elle provient d'un gars de chez Apple:

Author: Paul from Apple
Date: 01-07-03 18:03

Final Cut Express is the perfect solution for DV enthusiasts that are looking for a powerful, affordable DV editing application. Final Cut Pro is the solution for professional editors and advanced videographers/filmmakers.

Some key differences between FCP and FCE:
1. Final Cut Express is DV only (NTSC and PAL frame rates only, no 24fps support).
2. Final Cut Pro supports 3rd party capture cards.
3. Final Cut Pro supports timecode, Final Cut Express does not present timecode information to the user.
4. Final Cut Pro allows you to LOG and capture.
5. Final Cut Pro includes support for RS-422 control.
6. Pro users can use OfflineRT, Express can not.
7. Pro includes three-way color correction and other advanced tools that Express does not.
8. The keyframing model is substantially different in Express. Only Motion tab items can be keyframed. Filters cannot.
9. Final Cut Pro has a Media Manager, Express does not.
10. Final Cut Pro supports EDL I/O.
11. Final Cut Pro can be extended with Cinema Tools.
12. Final Cut Pro includes Audio OMF export.
13. Pro supports Edit To Tape and Insert editing.
14. Pro can do a Batch Export.
15. FXScript is not in Express.
16. AE plug-ins are not in Express.
17. Undo: FCP = 99, FCE = 32.

Parmi les regrets, la non-compatibilité des plug-ins After Effects, le non support des cartes tierces (comme la RTMac ou d'autres), ou l'absence du filtre de correction colorimétrique sont des options qui auraient mérité d'être inclues.