Bonjour à tous.
En préambule:
MacBook Pro Debut 2015/2,9 GHz Intel Core i5/8gb RAM/SSD 512Gb. OS: Monterey.
J'ai commencé a avoir des problèmes au lancement d'app gourmande. Puis un jour au lancement de photoshop il n'a jamais plus rien voulu savoir.
-La souris se bloque
-Le trackpad est figé, le clic ne fonctionne plus
-Plus rien ne répond.
La batterie ayant tendance à gonflé j'ai soupçonné un problème émanant de celle ci. Je l'ai donc remplacé par de "l'adaptable"
Mon max c'est mis a re-fonctioner a la perfection, comme neuf ! Mais cela n'a duré que 3j....
Les blocages ont repris de plus belle..Et là j'ai lancé photoshop, il c'est figé et n'a plus jamais (enfin presque) voulu redémarrer.
Toujours le même symptôme, je le démarre, il est lent, puis tout se fige pendant le démarrage....
J'ai donc fait un reset total...toujours impossible de réinstaller, il se fige systématiquement !
J'ai donc installer Catalina sur une clef usb et j'ai réussi a le faire booter dessus (c'est de la que je vous écrit! )
Ensuite je me suis lancé dans une clean Install de belotte les problèmes reviennent...
J'ai fait un test du SSD tout à l'air OK, J'ai testé la rame ça à l'air OK; voici le résultat:
Rember Test Results
All tests passed!
Total built-in memory: 8 GB
This is the total amount of physical memory that the computer has installed. If this figure is not showing the correct amount of memory there may be a problem with one or more installed DIMMS.
Available memory: 3305 MB
Available memory is the amount of physical memory that is currently not in use by any other processes. All available memory will be used for testing when the "All" option is selected. To increase the amount of available memory, you can restart your computer before testing. If you are familiar with the command line (CLI), you can run memtest (the core of Rember) in single-user mode. See Rember help, or for more information.
Requested amount: All MB
The total amount of memory requested for testing by the Rember application. Not all requested memory can be allocated for testing. See information on "Available memory" for more information.
Memory allocated for testing: 3305 MB
This is the total amount of memory that memtest was able to allocate for testing. See "Available memory" section for more information.
Loops selected: 1
Total loops selected by user for testing. All loops should complete when testing is successful. Test failure when the "Continue on Error" preference is selected will cancel tests before this number of loops has been completed. Users can also cancel testing before this number is reached.
Loops completed: 1
Total loops completed by memtest. Note that the Rember is not always able to identify how many loops ran. If there are discrepancies between this and the loops selected, the log should be examined to determine exactly how many loops were performed.
Total execution time: All tests passed! Execution time: 1000 seconds
This is the total amount of time that it took to execute the selected tests. Execution time may vary from system to system, and is provided as a guide for determining how long users can expect tests to run based on the amount of memory installed on the system.
Testing start time: 2022-07-22 10:52:17 +0000
Testing end time: 2022-07-22 11:08:58 +0000
Si vous pouviez m'apporter un éclairage je vous en serais grandement reconnaissant !
Merci d'avance!
En préambule:
MacBook Pro Debut 2015/2,9 GHz Intel Core i5/8gb RAM/SSD 512Gb. OS: Monterey.
J'ai commencé a avoir des problèmes au lancement d'app gourmande. Puis un jour au lancement de photoshop il n'a jamais plus rien voulu savoir.
-La souris se bloque
-Le trackpad est figé, le clic ne fonctionne plus
-Plus rien ne répond.
La batterie ayant tendance à gonflé j'ai soupçonné un problème émanant de celle ci. Je l'ai donc remplacé par de "l'adaptable"
Mon max c'est mis a re-fonctioner a la perfection, comme neuf ! Mais cela n'a duré que 3j....
Les blocages ont repris de plus belle..Et là j'ai lancé photoshop, il c'est figé et n'a plus jamais (enfin presque) voulu redémarrer.
Toujours le même symptôme, je le démarre, il est lent, puis tout se fige pendant le démarrage....
J'ai donc fait un reset total...toujours impossible de réinstaller, il se fige systématiquement !
J'ai donc installer Catalina sur une clef usb et j'ai réussi a le faire booter dessus (c'est de la que je vous écrit! )
Ensuite je me suis lancé dans une clean Install de belotte les problèmes reviennent...
J'ai fait un test du SSD tout à l'air OK, J'ai testé la rame ça à l'air OK; voici le résultat:
Rember Test Results
All tests passed!
Total built-in memory: 8 GB
This is the total amount of physical memory that the computer has installed. If this figure is not showing the correct amount of memory there may be a problem with one or more installed DIMMS.
Available memory: 3305 MB
Available memory is the amount of physical memory that is currently not in use by any other processes. All available memory will be used for testing when the "All" option is selected. To increase the amount of available memory, you can restart your computer before testing. If you are familiar with the command line (CLI), you can run memtest (the core of Rember) in single-user mode. See Rember help, or for more information.
Requested amount: All MB
The total amount of memory requested for testing by the Rember application. Not all requested memory can be allocated for testing. See information on "Available memory" for more information.
Memory allocated for testing: 3305 MB
This is the total amount of memory that memtest was able to allocate for testing. See "Available memory" section for more information.
Loops selected: 1
Total loops selected by user for testing. All loops should complete when testing is successful. Test failure when the "Continue on Error" preference is selected will cancel tests before this number of loops has been completed. Users can also cancel testing before this number is reached.
Loops completed: 1
Total loops completed by memtest. Note that the Rember is not always able to identify how many loops ran. If there are discrepancies between this and the loops selected, the log should be examined to determine exactly how many loops were performed.
Total execution time: All tests passed! Execution time: 1000 seconds
This is the total amount of time that it took to execute the selected tests. Execution time may vary from system to system, and is provided as a guide for determining how long users can expect tests to run based on the amount of memory installed on the system.
Testing start time: 2022-07-22 10:52:17 +0000
Testing end time: 2022-07-22 11:08:58 +0000
Si vous pouviez m'apporter un éclairage je vous en serais grandement reconnaissant !
Merci d'avance!