diskutil list
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *121.3 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_APFS Container disk1 121.1 GB disk0s2
/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
0: APFS Container Scheme - +121.1 GB disk1
Physical Store disk0s2
1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD - Données 103.2 GB disk1s1
2: APFS Volume Preboot 82.2 MB disk1s2
3: APFS Volume Recovery 528.1 MB disk1s3
4: APFS Volume VM 4.3 GB disk1s4
5: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 11.0 GB disk1s5
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
diskutil ap list
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$ diskutil ap list
APFS Container (1 found)
+-- Container disk1 2D7BF6BD-30EE-4C30-A1ED-4665B5712171
APFS Container Reference: disk1
Size (Capacity Ceiling): 121123069952 B (121.1 GB)
Capacity In Use By Volumes: 119259369472 B (119.3 GB) (98.5% used)
Capacity Not Allocated: 1863700480 B (1.9 GB) (1.5% free)
+-< Physical Store disk0s2 30A27A8B-7898-405D-8611-A8E2BB17BBA6
| -----------------------------------------------------------
| APFS Physical Store Disk: disk0s2
| Size: 121123069952 B (121.1 GB)
+-> Volume disk1s1 01AB5094-567E-3BB4-88C9-2D376DE74425
| ---------------------------------------------------
| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s1 (Data)
| Name: Macintosh HD - Données (Case-insensitive)
| Mount Point: /System/Volumes/Data
| Capacity Consumed: 103265210368 B (103.3 GB)
| FileVault: Yes (Unlocked)
+-> Volume disk1s2 D8622449-074D-4A4D-8502-0E3029BF4D42
| ---------------------------------------------------
| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s2 (Preboot)
| Name: Preboot (Case-insensitive)
| Mount Point: Not Mounted
| Capacity Consumed: 82178048 B (82.2 MB)
| FileVault: No
+-> Volume disk1s3 491D2EA4-3645-4F37-BE41-16C8D8F208CB
| ---------------------------------------------------
| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s3 (Recovery)
| Name: Recovery (Case-insensitive)
| Mount Point: Not Mounted
| Capacity Consumed: 528072704 B (528.1 MB)
| FileVault: No
+-> Volume disk1s4 548DCA0B-C747-4003-A854-CAEF3AD5621F
| ---------------------------------------------------
| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s4 (VM)
| Name: VM (Case-insensitive)
| Mount Point: /private/var/vm
| Capacity Consumed: 4296245248 B (4.3 GB)
| FileVault: No
+-> Volume disk1s5 8F6453F2-D79C-4F76-9910-D3845B069AFC
APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s5 (System)
Name: Macintosh HD (Case-insensitive)
Mount Point: /
Capacity Consumed: 10961248256 B (11.0 GB)
FileVault: Yes (Unlocked)
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
C'est bien, mais à la base il faut exposer ton problème que l'on ne connait pas. J'ai fait le calcul exact et ton petit SSD de 121 Go est rempli à craquer à 119 Go !Comme je vois que tu maitrise parfaitement le sujet, pourrais-tu m'aider sur une problème similaire ?
Je suis sous la version 10.15.4
Lorsque je fais les manipulations que tu demandes, j'obtiens ceci :
C'est bien, mais à la base il faut exposer ton problème que l'on ne connait pas. J'ai fait le calcul exact et ton petit SSD de 121 Go est rempli à craquer à 119 Go !
diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1
diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$ diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1
No snapshots for disk1s1
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
csrutil status
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
csrutil disable
sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$ sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.PKInstallSandboxManager: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.Trashes: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/mnt: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
0B /System/Volumes/Data/sw
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.HFS+ Private Directory Data
1,0K /System/Volumes/Data/home
0B /System/Volumes/Data/Informations sur l’utilisateur
2,5M /System/Volumes/Data/usr
127M /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100
12K /System/Volumes/Data/.DS_Store
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.PKInstallSandboxManager
4,0K /System/Volumes/Data/.installer-compatibility
1,7M /System/Volumes/Data/.TempReceipt.bom
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.file
3,2G /System/Volumes/Data/Library
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.Trashes
788M /System/Volumes/Data/System
4,0K /System/Volumes/Data/.OSInstallerMessages
0B /System/Volumes/Data/mnt
93M /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd
7,2G /System/Volumes/Data/private
151M /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.vol
69G /System/Volumes/Data/Users
4,1G /System/Volumes/Data/Applications
0B /System/Volumes/Data/opt
0B /System/Volumes/Data/Volumes
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.dbfseventsd
0B /System/Volumes/Data/cores
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
diskutil verifyVolume disk1
diskutil verifyVolume disk1
Started file system verification on disk1
Verifying storage system
Using live mode
Performing fsck_apfs -n -x -l /dev/disk0s2
Checking the container superblock
Checking the EFI jumpstart record
Checking the space manager
Checking the space manager free queue trees
Checking the object map
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Macintosh HD - Données was formatted by hfs_convert (1412.101.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1412.101.1)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Preboot was formatted by hfs_convert (1412.101.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1412.101.1)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Recovery was formatted by diskmanagementd (1412.101.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1412.101.1)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume VM was formatted by diskmanagementd (1412.101.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1412.101.1)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking volume
Checking the APFS volume superblock
The volume Macintosh HD was formatted by diskmanagementd (1412.101.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1412.101.1)
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the extent ref tree
Checking the fsroot tree
Verifying allocated space
The volume /dev/disk0s2 appears to be OK
Storage system check exit code is 0
Finished file system verification on disk1
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
Last login: Wed Sep 2 23:08:47 on ttys000
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
csrutil disable
sudo du -sh /Users/*
sudo du -sh /Users/*
1,9M /Users/Shared
70G /Users/moi
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
sudo du -sh ~/*
sudo du -sh ~/*
468K /Users/moi/Applications
813M /Users/moi/Desktop
35M /Users/moi/Documents
16K /Users/moi/Downloads
3,0G /Users/moi/Dropbox
31G /Users/moi/Library
24K /Users/moi/Movies
82M /Users/moi/Music
34G /Users/moi/Pictures
0B /Users/moi/Public
4,0K /Users/moi/dossiers validés par alysé.txt
4,0K /Users/moi/free.txt
4,0K /Users/moi/patient.txt
4,0K /Users/moi/questions jerome.txt
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/*
8,2M /Users/moi/Library/Accounts
1,2M /Users/moi/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Scripts
11G /Users/moi/Library/Application Support
4,9M /Users/moi/Library/Assistant
0B /Users/moi/Library/Assistants
0B /Users/moi/Library/Audio
0B /Users/moi/Library/Autosave Information
1,1G /Users/moi/Library/Caches
19M /Users/moi/Library/Calendars
0B /Users/moi/Library/CallServices
0B /Users/moi/Library/ColorPickers
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Colors
0B /Users/moi/Library/Compositions
2,7G /Users/moi/Library/Containers
76K /Users/moi/Library/Cookies
28K /Users/moi/Library/CoreFollowUp
64K /Users/moi/Library/Dictionaries
1,2M /Users/moi/Library/Dropbox
0B /Users/moi/Library/Favorites
0B /Users/moi/Library/Filters
28K /Users/moi/Library/FontCollections
5,6M /Users/moi/Library/Fonts
0B /Users/moi/Library/Fonts Disabled
0B /Users/moi/Library/GameKit
4,8M /Users/moi/Library/Google
392K /Users/moi/Library/Group Containers
1,3M /Users/moi/Library/HomeKit
4,9M /Users/moi/Library/IdentityServices
0B /Users/moi/Library/Input Methods
0B /Users/moi/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
36K /Users/moi/Library/Keyboard
0B /Users/moi/Library/Keyboard Layouts
132K /Users/moi/Library/KeyboardServices
17M /Users/moi/Library/Keychains
352K /Users/moi/Library/LanguageModeling
24K /Users/moi/Library/LaunchAgents
2,8M /Users/moi/Library/Logs
16G /Users/moi/Library/Mail
0B /Users/moi/Library/Maps
1,3M /Users/moi/Library/MediaStream
40M /Users/moi/Library/Messages
1,0M /Users/moi/Library/Metadata
2,0M /Users/moi/Library/Mobile Documents
612K /Users/moi/Library/Passes
1,2M /Users/moi/Library/PersonalizationPortrait
0B /Users/moi/Library/PreferencePanes
19M /Users/moi/Library/Preferences
1,1M /Users/moi/Library/Printers
144K /Users/moi/Library/PubSub
1,6M /Users/moi/Library/Reminders
25M /Users/moi/Library/Safari
0B /Users/moi/Library/SafariSafeBrowsing
264K /Users/moi/Library/Saved Application State
0B /Users/moi/Library/Screen Savers
0B /Users/moi/Library/Services
396K /Users/moi/Library/Sharing
0B /Users/moi/Library/Sounds
44K /Users/moiLibrary/Spelling
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/StickiesDatabase
3,8M /Users/moi/Library/Suggestions
1,1M /Users/moi/Library/SyncedPreferences
0B /Users/moi/Library/Voices
672K /Users/moi/Library/WebKit
132K /Users/moi/Library/com.apple.internal.ck
0B /Users/moi/Library/iMovie
36K /Users/moi/Library/iTunes
12K /Users/moi/Library/studentd
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/*
756K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/96C30D53-2D4A-4EF7-A188-A7908CCCD835
56M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
7,5M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Adobe
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/App Store
40K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Apple
2,9G /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Autodesk
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CEF
184K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB
8,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions
11M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Console
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CoreParsec
136K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/DiskImages
212K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Dock
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Dropbox
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/FileProvider
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Fusion 360
267M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Google
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/HP
4,1M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Knowledge
14M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Microsoft
7,8G /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/MobileSync
124K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Preview
7,1M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Quick Look
56M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Skype
496K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
36K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Transmission
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/TrustedPeersHelper
320K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/Ubiquity
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/accountsd
5,3M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.3666163851138534881
1,5M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.DiscoverResults
28K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.AMPLibraryAgent
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.ContextStoreAgent
2,3M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.ProtectedCloudStorage
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.QuickLook
64K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC
8,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.backgroundtaskmanagementagent
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.exchangesync
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.kvs
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.replayd
1,2M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist
108K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.spotlight
184K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.touristd
276K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.apple.transparencyd
788K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/com.nektony.App-Cleaner-Pro
1008K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/cura
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/dmd
8,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/iCloud
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/iLifeMediaBrowser
4,0K /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/icdd
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/syncdefaultsd
0B /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/transparencyd
13M /Users/moi/Library/Application Support/zoom.us
MacBook-Air-de-moi:~ moi$