Wordpress sur OSX Server


Membre confirmé
10 Juin 2012
Bonsoir,j'essaye d'installer Wordpress sur mon serveur(un Mac mini mi 2011,osx server 10.8).J'ai suivit cette procédure extraite des forums Apple :https://discussions.apple.com/message/19073627#19073627
Re: How can I install Wordpress on OS X Server
Aug 7, 2012 11:50 PM (in response to kohncreative)
I have WordPress running on my Mountain Lion Server. You can use the PG4WP plugin found here so MySQL won't be needed:


Before you can do the install, you will need to do a few things:

1. Configure PostgreSQL to listen on

sudo serveradmin settings postgres:listen_addresses = ""

2. Start PostgreSQL:

sudo serveradmin start postgres

It may already be started by one of the other services that uses it (e.g. Wiki, Calendar, Profile Manager, ...).

3. Create a WordPress database, create the WordPress database user, and change ownership of the database to the user:

sudo -u _postgres psql postgres -c "create database wordpress_test_db"
sudo -u _postgres psql postgres -c "create user wordpress_test_user with password 'xyzzy'"
sudo -u _postgres psql postgres -c "grant all privileges on database wordpress_test_db to wordpress_test_user"

Obviously, you should change the stuff that's in bold text.

4. In Server.app -> Web, check the box to enable PHP web applications.

After you've done those things, it's a snap to follow the PG4WP and standard WordPress installation instructions.
Je suis parvenus à installer Wordpress,seulement je n'arrive pas à uploader de fichier car wordpress m'indique que il n'a pas les droits d'écriture sur le dossier parent.Avez vous une idée ?