Apple Cube Project, ça vous intéresse?


Membre enregistré
4 Août 2008
Bonjour, j'ai posté une idée que j'ai eue sur mon blog, à propos d'un Mac que j'aimerai bien avoir... mais qui n'existe pas!

n'hésitez pas à réagir,


Sometimes when you go to bed, you have these kinds of ideas that you think are killer ideas and that keeps you awake for hours. Sometimes, when you wake up the morning after, you realize it was very, very bad, sometimes you write it down and lose it somewhere on your computer.

Here is an idea I had exactly a year ago and that came back to my mind sometimes during my honey moon (don’t tell my wife please) and became an obsession. There might be similar ideas elsewhere, but I definitely think that if it’s well executed, it could be as big for apple as the iPod or the iPhone.