BJC-3000 sur OS X


Membre actif
23 Avril 2000
entre Pluton et Mars
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J'avais trouvé ceci sur le net. Mais je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion d'essayer cette bidouille. Si tu as un petit souci de traduction. Demande toujours, on ne sait jamais...

"Simply take the directory structure:


and copy it completely to:


Then in your favorite binary editor, search for all references to 2100 in the files, note that there are 2100SP refs in there as well that can be left alone.

I *think* these are the only ones I changed:


This seems to allow the printer to print text fine and color graphics in 'normal' mode fine.

When I tried to pick a 'photo' quality print the picture was printed
wider than normal, but then again I think the 2100 is 720 dpi max and the 3000 is 1440 dpi max. I suppose that hacking a printer with closer specs to the 3000 would probably work better. "
Quelqu'un a-t-il réussi à faire marcher une BJC-3000 sur Mac OS X à l'aide d'une bidouille ????