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De quand date le lancement officiel d'Airport, ainsi que sa disponibilité pour le grand public. J'ai trouvé juillet 1999, mais je n'en suis pas tout à fait sûr.
Entre juillet (présentation à MWNY) et septembre 1999 (disponibilité "officielle" de l'iBook). Les clients les ont reçus plus tard, le modèle présenté par Jobs lors de l'expo était un prototype "non finalisé", Apple étant légèrement à la bourre par rapport aux plans d'iPapy. Ensuite un tremblement de terre à Taïwan a encore retardé la production... Il y a des choses qui ne changent pas.
Before we dive into the details of the current holdup on iBook shipments, we must reiterate the fact that the iBook was not completed when it was announced, and had yet to be finalized as of its original intended ship-date of early September.
The units were recently finalized, and Steve Jobs announced on September 15, in France, that the iBook was "now shipping." On September 15th Apple shipped a total of 200 iBooks, according to sources, and have not shipped a single one since that date.
Shortly after our initial report on iBook delays, Apple began to notify customers that their iBooks had shipped. However, it was only a matter of hours before Apple fell ill to the misfortune of the devastating Taiwan earthquake.