pouvez vous me traduire ce texte precisement( pas avec google linguistique)For Windows, Linux and Mac Users:
1. Please place the game_lms102.pk4 in your doom3/lms_1.0 folder
That's it for Windows and Linux users, now Mac users can join your server and they can join yours without a problem.
How to load Last Man Standing 1.0 on Mac:
1. Unzip the Multiplatform version of LMS to your Doom 3 folder. (http://doom3.filefront.com/file/;45064)
2. Open the Terminal
3. Right or Control Click on Doom 3.app (the program) and select Show Package Contents and click on Contents, then Mac OS
4. Go into the console and drag Doom 3 (the one in the Mac OS folder in Doom 3.app) to the console window and drop it.
5. You should see some thing like this:
/Applications/Doom\ 3/Doom\ 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom\ 3
type in "+set fs_game lms_1.0" (without the parenthesis) after you've dragged Doom 3 from the mentioned location and press enter.
1. Please place the game_lms102.pk4 in your doom3/lms_1.0 folder
That's it for Windows and Linux users, now Mac users can join your server and they can join yours without a problem.
How to load Last Man Standing 1.0 on Mac:
1. Unzip the Multiplatform version of LMS to your Doom 3 folder. (http://doom3.filefront.com/file/;45064)
2. Open the Terminal
3. Right or Control Click on Doom 3.app (the program) and select Show Package Contents and click on Contents, then Mac OS
4. Go into the console and drag Doom 3 (the one in the Mac OS folder in Doom 3.app) to the console window and drop it.
5. You should see some thing like this:
/Applications/Doom\ 3/Doom\ 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom\ 3
type in "+set fs_game lms_1.0" (without the parenthesis) after you've dragged Doom 3 from the mentioned location and press enter.