<blockquote><font class="small">Posté à l'origine par A t L a S San:</font><hr /> S'il n'existe pas de'émulateur PS2 pour Mac, comment se fait-il que j'en ai depuis près d'un sur mon disque ? Pour info, ce dernier s'appelle BluePS2 et en plus de'émuler les jeux PS2, il émule également ceux de la PS 1 ! Que demande le peuple ?
citation d'Emulation.net :
# I found an emulator that isn't listed on your page.
Odds are, you found BluePS2, m64, or maybe PSX-Emu. All of these are complete frauds. BluePS2 simply puts up a dialog saying that the CD you inserted cannot be read. m64 is nothing more than a copy of iNES 0.6, with redesigned dialog boxes and icons--apparently this was an anonymous April Fool's Joke from 1997. Although this emulator claims to run Nintendo 64 games, it won't--but it will run several 8-bit Nintendo ROMs. PSX-Emu is actually a trojan horse; it will infect your System file with a dangerous INIT resource if you run it, so I highly recommend that you stay away from this program!