fermeture imac et lion


Membre confirmé
18 Octobre 2010

Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer pourquoi mon imac de 2010 intel se ferme en 4s certains jours et d'autres en 45s environ.

Je m'explique : Sur le fond blanc de la page de fermeture, soit la page arrive en s'étend de suite, soit elle apparait puis une roue noire arrive et tourne pendant 45s puis tout s'éteint....:confuses:

Je ne sait pas à quoi cela correspond....peut être une indexation de spotlight ??? bref j'ai regardé dans la console mais je ne suis pas un expert....
voila ce que j'ai :

28/10/11 22:58:09,154 [0x0-0x7007].com.apple.Safari: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x17f570, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x1a4320
28/10/11 22:58:09,154 [0x0-0x7007].com.apple.Safari: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x180c50, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x17c840
28/10/11 22:58:09,154 [0x0-0x7007].com.apple.Safari: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x6a881ea0, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x6a881450
28/10/11 22:58:09,154 [0x0-0x7007].com.apple.Safari: DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x199120, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x159140
28/10/11 23:11:13,338 AddressBookSourceSync: ServerNotifications: Setting delegate to APSD
28/10/11 23:11:15,378 AddressBookSourceSync: Subscription request completed
28/10/11 23:11:18,600 com.apple.backupd: Starting standard backup
28/10/11 23:11:18,601 com.apple.backupd: Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
28/10/11 23:11:28,614 com.apple.backupd: Backup failed with error: 19
28/10/11 23:11:43,779 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x7007].com.apple.Safari[145]) Exited: Killed: 9
28/10/11 23:11:43,954 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.talagent[147]) Exited: Killed: 9
28/10/11 23:11:43,969 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x1e01e].com.apple.AppleSpell[226]) Exited: Killed: 9
28/10/11 23:11:43,972 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.quicklook.ui.helper[651]) Exited: Killed: 9
28/10/11 23:11:43,974 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mdworker.pool.0[894]) Exited: Terminated: 15
28/10/11 23:11:44,043 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,043 com.apple.dock.extra: 2011-10-28 23:11:44.041 com.apple.dock.extra[912:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,043 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,044 com.apple.dock.extra: 2011-10-28 23:11:44.043 com.apple.dock.extra[912:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,044 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,044 com.apple.dock.extra: 2011-10-28 23:11:44.043 com.apple.dock.extra[912:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,045 loginwindow: DEAD_PROCESS: 44 console
28/10/11 23:11:44,045 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,045 com.apple.dock.extra: 2011-10-28 23:11:44.044 com.apple.dock.extra[912:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
28/10/11 23:11:44,393 loginwindow: LWCASProcessNotificationManager UNEXPECTED NOTIFICATION of type: kLSNotifyLaunchFinished
28/10/11 23:11:44,463 shutdown: halt by Alex:
28/10/11 23:11:44,463 shutdown: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1319836304 462855

si quelqu'un a une idée...