Sujet unique Si « le serveur de récupération n’a pas pu être contacté » ou qu’il est « impossible de télécharger les composants supplémentaires »

Voici la réponse :

Bloc de code:
-bash-3.2# diskutil info /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
   Device Identifier:        disk1s1
   Device Node:              /dev/disk1s1
   Whole:                    No
   Part of Whole:            disk1

   Volume Name:              Macintosh HD
   Mounted:                  Yes
   Mount Point:              /Volumes/Macintosh HD

   Partition Type:           41504653-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
   File System Personality:  APFS
   Type (Bundle):            apfs
   Name (User Visible):      APFS
   Owners:                   Enabled

   OS Can Be Installed:      Yes
   Booter Disk:              disk1s2
   Recovery Disk:            disk1s3
   Media Type:               Generic
   Protocol:                 PCI
   SMART Status:             Not Supported
   Volume UUID:              42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308
   Disk / Partition UUID:    42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308

   Disk Size:                121.1 GB (121123069952 Bytes) (exactly 236568496 512-Byte-Units)
   Device Block Size:        4096 Bytes

   Volume Total Space:       121.1 GB (121123069952 Bytes) (exactly 236568496 512-Byte-Units)
   Volume Used Space:        57.8 GB (57843019776 Bytes) (exactly 112974648 512-Byte-Units) (47.8%)
   Volume Available Space:   63.3 GB (63280050176 Bytes) (exactly 123593848 512-Byte-Units) (52.2%)
   Allocation Block Size:    4096 Bytes

   Read-Only Media:          No
   Read-Only Volume:         No

   Device Location:          Internal
   Removable Media:          Fixed

   Solid State:              Yes

-bash-3.2# ls /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
.DS_Store                Users
.DocumentRevisions-V100            Volumes
.HFS+ Private Directory Data?        bin
.IAProductInfo                cores
.OSInstallerMessages            dev
.PKInstallSandboxManager        etc
.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware    home
.Spotlight-V100                installer.failurerequests
.dbfseventsd                macOS Install Data
.file                    net
.fseventsd                private
.vol                    sbin
Applications                tmp
Library                    usr
Network                    var
-bash-3.2# bless --info /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
        1134 => Blessed System File is <Preboot>/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/
          64 => Blessed System Folder is <Preboot>/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/
The blessed volume in this APFS container is "/Volumes/Macintosh HD"
Bon !

  • le volume est monté > en lecture et écriture > un OS peut y être installé (ou restauré) = RAS
  • la distribution des dossiers-Système est complète > avec en plus un dossier macOS Install Data de qui recèle les paquets d'installation + un OS auxiliaire démarrable d'installation
  • le chemin de démarrage actuel pointe sur le démarreur boot.efi de cet OS d'installation auxiliaire > ce qui explique que ton Mac reboote toujours sur le programme d'installation bloqué.

Je vois très clairement ce qu'il faut faire. Mais avant cela --> une question :

  • est-ce qu'il s'agissait d'une mise-à-niveau d'un autre OS à High Sierra > ou bien d'une simple mise-à-jour d'une version de High Sierra à une autre ?
Du coup, j'ai suivi les instructions de #13 à #15.

Mon macbook air est récent (septembre dernier), et j'ai effectué toutes les mises à jour demandé au fur et à mesure. Cela doit être une mise-à-jour non ?

Voici le tableau issu de #13 à 15 :
Bloc de code:
-bash-3.2# macOS Install Data
-bash: macOS: command not found
-bash-3.2# rm -rf /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"/"macOS Install Data"
-bash-3.2# bless --folder /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"/System/Library/CoreServices --file /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"/System/Librabry/CoreServices/boot.efi
-bash-3.2# ls /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
.DS_Store                System
.DocumentRevisions-V100            Users
.HFS+ Private Directory Data?        Volumes
.IAProductInfo                bin
.OSInstallerMessages            cores
.PKInstallSandboxManager        dev
.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware    etc
.Spotlight-V100                home
.dbfseventsd                installer.failurerequests
.file                    net
.fseventsd                private
.vol                    sbin
Applications                tmp
Library                    usr
Network                    var
-bash-3.2# bless --info /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
         479 => Blessed System File is <Preboot>/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
          41 => Blessed System Folder is <Preboot>/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/CoreServices
The blessed volume in this APFS container is "/Volumes/Macintosh HD"

J'ai fais une bêtise?
Belle initiative. Tout colle.

On va rajouter une petite couche de finition --> passe les 2 commandes :
Bloc de code:
kextcache -u /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"
diskutil ap updatePreboot disk1s1

  • la 1ère met à jour le cache de démarrage prelinkedkernel du volume Macintosh HD
  • la 2è met à jour les informations du volume de pré-démarrage Preboot

La 1ère passe sans commentaire. La 2è retourne un affichage conséquent --> poste-le ici.
ouf !

Bloc de code:
-bash-3.2# diskutil ap updatePreboot disk1s1
Started APFS operation
UpdatePreboot: Commencing operation to update the Preboot Volume for Target Volume disk1s1 Macintosh HD
UpdatePreboot: The Target Volume's OpenDirectory (non-special kind) user count is 1 and the Recovery (any of 3 kinds) user count is 1
UpdatePreboot: No custom Open Directory path given
UpdatePreboot: Using GivenVolumeMountPointOrNilIfNotMounted for the MacOSSearchPath
UpdatePreboot: Using MacOSSearchPath's child dslocal path for the OpenDirectorySearchPath
UpdatePreboot: MacOS Search Path = (nil=NotMounted) = /Volumes/Macintosh HD
UpdatePreboot: Open Directory Database Search Path = (nil=MacOSSearchPathNotMounted) = /Volumes/Macintosh HD/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default
UpdatePreboot: Preserve EncryptedRootPList When No-OD = 0
UpdatePreboot: Successfully opened Open Directory database; setting AuthODNodeOrNil accordingly
UpdatePreboot: Mounting and ensuring as mounted the related Preboot Volume
UpdatePreboot: Preboot Volume = disk1s2 Preboot
UpdatePreboot: Taking mount hold on Preboot Volume
UpdatePreboot: Preboot Volume Target Directory = /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308
UpdatePreboot: Considering APFS Crypto User 29B8BA12-F205-4626-9D3E-D2DF5B5A0E7F
UpdatePreboot: Defaulting and requiring that this be an Open Directory User
UpdatePreboot: Treating this APFS Crypto User to be, and requiring to match, an Open Directory User
UpdatePreboot: Correlated APFS Volume Crypto User with Open Directory User 29B8BA12-F205-4626-9D3E-D2DF5B5A0E7F aka "lolavives"
UpdatePreboot: Reading JPEG user picture of length 789814 from Open Directory database
UpdatePreboot: All required data for this Open Directory user has been obtained
UpdatePreboot: Parameters for EFILoginUserGraphics count=1 "unlockOptions"="0"
UpdatePreboot: Before render EFILoginUserGraphics user (graphics/audio) resources Name=Lola Vives PictureSize=(NoneIsOK)=789814 HintOptional=miaou
UpdatePreboot: After render EFILoginUserGraphics Data=(0=Error)=0x7fdbef426750=469848
UpdatePreboot: Before rendering EFILoginUserNamesData resources UserArrayCount=4
UpdatePreboot: After rendering EFILoginUserNamesData Data=(NULL=Skip)=0x7fdbef429de0 DataItemCount=4
UpdatePreboot: Successfully added a macOS OD User to the building dictionary
UpdatePreboot: Successfully processed APFS Volume Crypto User 29B8BA12-F205-4626-9D3E-D2DF5B5A0E7F
UpdatePreboot: Error for this processed user was 0
UpdatePreboot: Considering APFS Crypto User EC1C2AD9-B618-4ED6-BD8D-50F361C27507
UpdatePreboot: This is the iCloud User for this Volume
UpdatePreboot: Successfully ignoring this type of user
UpdatePreboot: Successfully processed APFS Volume Crypto User EC1C2AD9-B618-4ED6-BD8D-50F361C27507
UpdatePreboot: Error for this processed user was 0
UpdatePreboot: Considering APFS Crypto User 64C0C6EB-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
UpdatePreboot: This is the iCloud Recovery Key for this Volume
UpdatePreboot: Treating this APFS Crypto User as an iCloud Recovery Key User
UpdatePreboot: Successfully processed an iCloud Recovery Key User
UpdatePreboot: Successfully processed APFS Volume Crypto User 64C0C6EB-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
UpdatePreboot: Error for this processed user was 0
UpdatePreboot: Error among all processed users was 0
UpdatePreboot: At least one RECOVERY-type(s) user was processed successfully, in the presence of at least one successfully-processed OD user, so clearing among-all-users error if any
UpdatePreboot: The Encrypted Root PList File content is ready
UpdatePreboot: Not encrypting the Encrypted Root PList File content
UpdatePreboot: Encrypted Root PList File to be created path will or would be /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Proceeding to write Encrypted Root PList, creating a path as neccessary
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote Encrypted Root PList File
UpdatePreboot: DiskManagement Info PList File path will be /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/var/db/CryptoUserInfo.plist
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote DiskManagement Info PList File
UpdatePreboot: Checking for existence of Static EFI Resources directory /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/standalone/i386/EfiLoginUI
UpdatePreboot: Before copying contents of directory of Static EFI Resources at /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/standalone/i386/EfiLoginUI into directory /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/usr/standalone/i386
UpdatePreboot: After copying error=(0=success)=0
UpdatePreboot: Looking for locale list on macOS on Target Volume
UpdatePreboot: Locale list item count is 1
UpdatePreboot: Before rendering EFILoginInterfaceGraphics global localized resources
UpdatePreboot: After rendering EFILoginInterfaceGraphics FileNamesAndData=(0=error)=0x7fdbef42e7e0=10
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Writing localized EFI graphics resource file /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/System/Library/Caches/
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote EFI resource file
UpdatePreboot: Generating AdminUserList for Recovery purposes
UpdatePreboot: Considering admin user FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000
UpdatePreboot: Considering admin user 29B8BA12-F205-4626-9D3E-D2DF5B5A0E7F
UpdatePreboot: Error among all processed admin users was 0
UpdatePreboot: Writing Admin User Info File to path /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/var/db/AdminUserRecoveryInfo.plist
UpdatePreboot: Successfully wrote Admin User Info File
UpdatePreboot: Checking for existence of Secure Access Token file /Volumes/Macintosh HD/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/secureaccesstoken.plist
UpdatePreboot: Before copying Secure Access Token file /Volumes/Macintosh HD/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/secureaccesstoken.plist into directory /Volumes/Preboot/42A7174C-3979-3D83-B283-E10ADB060308/var/db
UpdatePreboot: After copying error=(0=success)=0
UpdatePreboot: Releasing mount hold on Preboot Volume
UpdatePreboot: Unmounting Preboot Volume
UpdatePreboot: Did unmount Preboot Volume err=(ignored)=0
UpdatePreboot: Doing memory releases
UpdatePreboot: Exiting Update Preboot operation with overall error=(0=success)=0
Finished APFS operation
Tout est en place. Alors le test !

Va à : Menu  > Disque de démarrage --> choisis Macintosh HD et re-démarre -->

  • est-ce que l'OS charge et est-ce que tu peux ré-ouvrir ta session ?
Problème résolu.

Avec toi --> c'est vraiment : passez muscades ! - je n'ai pas l'impression que tu avais besoin de moi - si ?
Bien sur que si !
J'ai voulu suivre les aides que tu avais déjà donné, mais comme tout ce langage informatique m'est absolument inconnu je n'avais aucune confiance en ce que je faisais, et peur de faire pire.

Vraiment merci beaucoup ! Beaucoup ! Beaucoup !
(je vais pouvoir me remettre au travail maintenant)
Alors est-ce que tu as un DDE USB pour sauvegarder les données du volume avant reformatage ? - à moins que tu n'aies déjà une sauvegarde ?
Si tu as un DDE USB avec assez d'espace libre > via une commande du Terminal il est possible de cloner les 325 Go de données du volume Macintosh HD dans celui du DDE.

Sinon > c'est le reformatage direct.
Alors passe la commande :
Bloc de code:
diskutil eraseVolume jhfs+ "Macintosh HD" disk20

  • respecte les espaces ; mets bien "Macintosh HD" avec les ""
  • la commande reformate le volume terminal

=> poste une photo de l'affichage retourné par la commande.
La commande n'a pas trouvé le disque n°20 que j'avais indiqué d'après un tableau antérieur.

Est-ce que tu as re-démarré entre temps ?