Bonjour à tous ... j'inaugure mon inscription au forum par cette contribution qui je l'espère règlera le problème pour tous ceux qui comme moi ont expérimenté des lenteurs wifi de malades depuis la Paj 10.5.2 ...
j'ai suivi les instructions de cette page:
et en 2sec je suis passé d'un débit < 100<KB/s à >400Kb/s...
Je reprends la procédure ici:
" ... Based on some of the posts, it appears the problem is related to "silly window syndrome" which causes confusion with the normal packet acknowledgment process in TCP/IP. Due to this confusion (which may be caused by edge cases of transfer size and timing), both machines basically pause waiting for the other to say go. In the fast and furious world of TCP/IP, this shows itself as a dramtic slow down in large transfers, while it may not be so noticeable in smaller transfers.
But there is a fix (or at least a workaround). You can change your Mac's default ACK setting from 3 to 0 with the following Terminal command:
sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0
And you change it back to the default of 3 with:
sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=3
Or you can simply check you existing setting with:
sysctl net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack
Note: You will likely need to preface any command changing these settings with "sudo" and enter your admin password to use your root account privileges.
Hopefully, Apple will roll out a more elegant and more permanent solution soon...."