je pense que c'est lui que l'on cherche
Bloc de code:
26G /Users/greglassierra/Library/Preferences/Ableton
26G /Users/greglassierra/Library/Preferences/Ableton
Oui en effet j'ai posté 3x lolBien posté (quoique en triple exemplaire). Le volume principal Macintosh HD a une occupation de 103 Go + 6 Go de volumes auxiliaires = 109 Go. Ce qui ne laisse que 12 Go d'espace libre.
- passe encore la commande (copier-coller) :Bloc de code:diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1 ; csrutil status
- qui : liste d'éventuels instantanés (rétenteurs d'espace disque) qui seraient associés à Macintosh HD > puis affiche le statut du SIP (protocole de sécurité dont l'activation gênerait une mesure à venir des groupements de fichiers dans le volume)
Poste le retour (en un seul exemplaire).
Last login: Tue Apr 12 20:35:30 on ttys000
MBPdeChistophe2:~ CRI$ diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1;csrutil status
No snapshots for disk1s1
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.
MBPdeChistophe2:~ CRI$
Amarok:~ Seb$ diskutil verifyVolume disk1
Started file system verification on disk1
Verifying storage system
Using live mode
Performing fsck_apfs -n -x -l /dev/disk0s1
Checking the container superblock
Checking the space manager
Checking the space manager free queue trees
Checking the object map
Checking volume /dev/rdisk1s1
Checking the APFS volume superblock
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking the extent ref tree
Verifying volume object map space
The volume /dev/rdisk1s1 appears to be OK
Checking volume /dev/rdisk1s2
Checking the APFS volume superblock
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking the extent ref tree
Verifying volume object map space
The volume /dev/rdisk1s2 appears to be OK
Checking volume /dev/rdisk1s3
Checking the APFS volume superblock
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking the extent ref tree
Verifying volume object map space
The volume /dev/rdisk1s3 appears to be OK
Checking volume /dev/rdisk1s4
Checking the APFS volume superblock
Checking the object map
Checking the snapshot metadata tree
Checking the snapshot metadata
Checking the fsroot tree
Checking the extent ref tree
Verifying volume object map space
The volume /dev/rdisk1s4 appears to be OK
Verifying allocated space
The container /dev/disk0s1 appears to be OK
Storage system check exit code is 0
Finished file system verification on disk1
Amarok:~ Seb$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal):
0: GUID_partition_scheme 251.0 GB disk0
1: Apple_APFS_ISC 524.3 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_APFS Container disk3 245.1 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_APFS_Recovery 5.4 GB disk0s3
/dev/disk3 (synthesized):
0: APFS Container Scheme - +245.1 GB disk3
Physical Store disk0s2
1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 15.2 GB disk3s1
2: APFS Snapshot 15.2 GB disk3s1s1
3: APFS Volume Preboot 709.1 MB disk3s2
4: APFS Volume Recovery 798.0 MB disk3s3
5: APFS Volume Data 192.0 GB disk3s5
6: APFS Volume VM 3.2 GB disk3s6
csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.
Last login: Thu Apr 28 08:50:28 on ttys000
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
Amarok:~ Seb$ sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/boot: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/ No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/mnt: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/macOS Install Data: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.PreviousSystemInformation: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
0B /System/Volumes/Data/sw
1,0K /System/Volumes/Data/home
0B /System/Volumes/Data/Informations sur l’utilisateur
5,1M /System/Volumes/Data/usr
320M /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100
4,0K /System/Volumes/Data/.installer-compatibility
189M /System/Volumes/Data/boot
2,2M /System/Volumes/Data/
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.file
3,2M /System/Volumes/Data/
15G /System/Volumes/Data/Library
2,7G /System/Volumes/Data/System
0B /System/Volumes/Data/mnt
11G /System/Volumes/Data/macOS Install Data
259M /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd
3,2G /System/Volumes/Data/private
914M /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100
135G /System/Volumes/Data/Users
18G /System/Volumes/Data/Applications
0B /System/Volumes/Data/opt
1,7M /System/Volumes/Data/.PreviousSystemInformation
0B /System/Volumes/Data/Volumes
0B /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems
0B /System/Volumes/Data/cores
csrutil disable
sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
sudo du -sh /Users/*
sudo du -sh ~/*
Amarok:~ Seb$ sudo du -sh /Users/*
121G /Users/Seb
1,3G /Users/Shared
Amarok:~ Seb$ sudo du -sh ~/*
379M /Users/Seb/Attente
12K /Users/Seb/Desktop
9,1M /Users/Seb/Documents
795M /Users/Seb/Downloads
7,7G /Users/Seb/Dropbox
68G /Users/Seb/Library
2,8G /Users/Seb/Mes Documents
310M /Users/Seb/Movies
1,3G /Users/Seb/Music
39G /Users/Seb/Pictures
8,0K /Users/Seb/Public
0B /Users/Seb/Sites
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/*
2,6M /Users/Seb/Library/Accessibility
5,2M /Users/Seb/Library/Accounts
328K /Users/Seb/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins
52K /Users/Seb/Library/Application Scripts
4,0G /Users/Seb/Library/Application Support
6,0M /Users/Seb/Library/Assistant
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Assistants
364K /Users/Seb/Library/Audio
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Autosave Information
164M /Users/Seb/Library/Biome
19G /Users/Seb/Library/Caches
35M /Users/Seb/Library/Calendars
156K /Users/Seb/Library/CallServices
160M /Users/Seb/Library/ClamXav
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/ColorPickers
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/ColorSync
8,0K /Users/Seb/Library/Colors
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Compositions
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/Contacts
2,6M /Users/Seb/Library/ContainerManager
2,4G /Users/Seb/Library/Containers
452K /Users/Seb/Library/Cookies
36K /Users/Seb/Library/CoreData
48K /Users/Seb/Library/CoreFollowUp
116M /Users/Seb/Library/Curse
40K /Users/Seb/Library/DES
8,0K /Users/Seb/Library/DataDeliveryServices
96K /Users/Seb/Library/Dictionaries
120K /Users/Seb/Library/DoNotDisturb
1,7M /Users/Seb/Library/Dropbox
0B /Users/Seb/Library/DuetExpertCenter
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/Facebook
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Family
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Favorites
28K /Users/Seb/Library/FileProvider
32K /Users/Seb/Library/FontCollections
6,7M /Users/Seb/Library/Fonts
3,0M /Users/Seb/Library/FrontBoard
1,4M /Users/Seb/Library/GameKit
3,1G /Users/Seb/Library/Group Containers
26M /Users/Seb/Library/HTTPStorages
36M /Users/Seb/Library/HomeKit
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Icons
3,1M /Users/Seb/Library/IdentityServices
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Input Methods
13M /Users/Seb/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
220K /Users/Seb/Library/Keyboard
100K /Users/Seb/Library/Keyboard Layouts
4,3M /Users/Seb/Library/KeyboardServices
116M /Users/Seb/Library/Keychains
1,6M /Users/Seb/Library/LanguageModeling
16K /Users/Seb/Library/LaunchAgents
148K /Users/Seb/Library/Logs
1,1G /Users/Seb/Library/Mail
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Maps
1,2G /Users/Seb/Library/Messages
513M /Users/Seb/Library/Metadata
36G /Users/Seb/Library/Mobile Documents
0B /Users/Seb/Library/News
0B /Users/Seb/Library/PDF Services
2,5M /Users/Seb/Library/Passes
12M /Users/Seb/Library/PersonalizationPortrait
112K /Users/Seb/Library/Personas
194M /Users/Seb/Library/Photos
0B /Users/Seb/Library/PreferencePanes
8,5M /Users/Seb/Library/Preferences
8,0K /Users/Seb/Library/Printers
144K /Users/Seb/Library/PubSub
7,4M /Users/Seb/Library/QuickTime
80K /Users/Seb/Library/Receipts
200M /Users/Seb/Library/Reminders
16K /Users/Seb/Library/ResponseKit
52M /Users/Seb/Library/Safari
0B /Users/Seb/Library/SafariSafeBrowsing
0B /Users/Seb/Library/SafariSandboxBroker
540K /Users/Seb/Library/Saved Application State
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Screen Savers
0B /Users/Seb/Library/ScreenRecordings
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Scripts
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Services
64K /Users/Seb/Library/Sharing
740K /Users/Seb/Library/Shortcuts
20K /Users/Seb/Library/Social
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Sounds
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Speech
96K /Users/Seb/Library/Spelling
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Staging
7,2M /Users/Seb/Library/StatusKit
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/StickiesDatabase
9,1M /Users/Seb/Library/Suggestions
36M /Users/Seb/Library/SyncedPreferences
0B /Users/Seb/Library/TextWrangler
52K /Users/Seb/Library/Translation
398M /Users/Seb/Library/Trial
4,0K /Users/Seb/Library/UIKitSystem
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Voices
2,0M /Users/Seb/Library/Weather
2,0M /Users/Seb/Library/WebKit
1,9M /Users/Seb/Library/Widgets
0B /Users/Seb/Library/Workflows
48K /Users/Seb/Library/
60K /Users/Seb/Library/
32K /Users/Seb/Library/
412K /Users/Seb/Library/
260K /Users/Seb/Library/
168K /Users/Seb/Library/iTunes
12K /Users/Seb/Library/studentd
open ~
sudo du -sh ~/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/*
Air-de-eva:~ evamadar$ sudo find -x / -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
0B /home
591M /usr
4,6M /bin
2,0M /sbin
0B /.file
0B /etc
0B /var
2,4G /Library
75G /System
0B /.VolumeIcon.icns
2,3G /private
0B /.vol
30G /Users
25G /Applications
0B /opt
4,5K /dev
8,0K /Volumes
0B /tmp
0B /cores
diskutil list