J'ai posé la question à l'un des auteurs de iCab il y a quelques mois, et voilà sa réponse :
Solve the iCab problems. First, quit iCab. Then in the Finder, open your
System Folder/Preferences/iCab Preferences/ folder and delete the iCab
Preferences file. Leave all the other files in this folder intact.
For Mac OS 8.5 or higher, open your Internet control panel and check
your settings. Most internet-capable applicationswill use these
settings, including iCab.
For Mac OS 8.1 or lower, launch Internet Config (by Peter N Lewis,
available without charge from
ftp://ftp.stairways.com/stairways/internetconfig-202.sit.bin or
http://www.stairways.com/) and set or check your settings. Most
internet-capable applications will use these settings, including iCab.
Now, using Extension Manager or equivalent, reboot your Mac using only
Mac OS extensions (All or Base). Launch iCab and from the Edit menu,
choose Preferences. Check all preference panel settings and adjust to
your needs. You may try adding back extensions a few at a time and
rebooting your Mac to see which ones, if any, cause a problem.
Some sites don't recognize the iCab browser name, so in the
Network/Identity-Proxies preference, you may wish to change it to
Mozilla, which will identify your browser as Netscape Navigator to the
remote host.
InScript is iCab's implementation of Javascript. If a remote host
indicates that your browser does not handle Javascript, or if roll-over
menus do not operate, choose Edit/Preferences..., then the InScript
preference panel. Click "Activate InScript." You may also get better
results by using a different browser identity setting in this
preference panel.
Oliver Joppich
iCab Company
http://www.icab.de (iCab Preview 2.5.2)
iCab FAQ
You can support/register iCab at
Aktienman & Friends
http://www.aktienman.de (AktienMan 1.95 ist da)
AktienMan FAQ