Alexandre a dit:
Depuis hier, je reçois des dizaines de mails de correspondants inconnus avec toujours cette phrase dans le corps du mail "see attached files for detail". Aucune pièce attachée que je n'aurais pas ouverte d'ailleurs, mais ce qui me frappe, c'est la fréquence (encore 100 ce matin!)
Quelqu'un a t-il l même mésaventure?
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Andrew Stone of Stone Design sent in a submission for dealing with the w32.sobig.f worm that's currently filling many OS X users' mailboxes with hundreds of junk emails. I had also received a couple emails from users about the flood of email, and had started working on the same thing last night. Since it appears to be hitting a large number of people, here's Andrew's Mail rule which will automatically delete the vast majority of these worm spams. You can read more about the worm on Symantec's site.
Create a new Mail rule, and set "If 'any' of the following conditions are met," and add all of these conditions:
Subect - Ends with - My details
Subect - Ends with - Your details
Subect - Ends with - Your application
Subect - Ends with - Wicked screensaver
Subect - Ends with - That movie
Subect - Ends with - Approved
Subect - Ends with - Details
Subect - Ends with - Thank you!
From - Is equal to -
[email protected]
In the "Perform the following actions" section of the dialog, set the first action to "Delete message" and the second to "Stop evaluating rules." Make this new rule the first rule in your rules list, so it runs before everything else. Andrew created an image that displays the finished rule.