Les differences sont les mêmes : Le HD2600 est moins puissante qu'une GT120..
Questions.réponses sur le site d'Apple Us :
What Graphics Card for Mac Pro 3,1 Feb 08, need 2 DVI-D out for ViewSonic VP2030b, old card is ATI Radeon HD2600 256MB new must be as good or better
ATI Radeon HD2600 256 MB seems to be dead, both monitors are black and display "no signal DVI-D", display came back for a little time after re-seating card and then died completely, can log in and shut down so Mac seems to be ok, do I need a new card or is something else gone astray? New card must be at least as good or better than old one, more mempory might be of benefit, I do lots of graphics work on PhotoShop and Fotomagico.
2 Answers
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If you want to buy a graphics card from the Apple store, there are two supported options, and one that is not officially supported, but is widely reported as working. The officially supported versions are the ATI 4870 ($350) and the EVGA GTX 285 ($450). Both are much more powerful than your current card, but a bit pricey. The Nvidia GT120 is not officially supported, but apparently does work and is only $150. All three cards should be more powerful than your HD2600.
I don't believe that PhotoShop and Fotomagico use the graphics processor heavily, so if I was in your shoes I would probably go with the GT120.
My GT8800 just died, and I am replacing it with a GTX 285, but that is because I do some gaming and the GTX is a much more powerful card than the GT120.
The one catch is that the ATI 4870 and GT120 have one DVI port and one mini-displayport. You can hook your ViewSonic up to the mini-displayport via a $30 adaptor from the apple store (get the single link DVI adaptor).