Problème MAJ Quicktime 7.2

Essaye de réinstaller le combo de 10.4.10

Sinon, ressaye encore
Macfixit :
Another workaround that has proved effective for some users (especially those who never had the pre-release Java system installed) is to force installation of QuickTime 7.1.6 using the tool Pacifist, then re-install the Mac OS X 10.4.10 combo updater via these steps.

Download QuickTime 7.1.6 but do not attempt to install
Download and launch Pacifist
In Pacifist, click the "Open Package" button, then locate and open the QuickTime 7.1.6 .pkg file.
Click the lock and enter your administrator password, then click the "Install" button.]
Download and install the Mac OS X 10.4.10 combo updater.
Merci, pour moi la désinstallation scriptée de Java 1.6 Release 1 DP6, suivie d'un update du prebinding a bien marché (méthode MacFixit, voir lien vers l'autre post).