Bonjour @macomaniac,Bonjour Margot
Tu as 62 Gi = 67 Go dans la Bibliothèque de ton dossier de compte margotm --> c'est beaucoup trop. Ce qui pèse dans cette Bibliothèque : Application Support 15 Gi = 16 Go > Caches 20 Gi = 22 Go > Containers 21 Gi = 23 Go.
- Application Support : des ressources auxiliaires d'applications. Utiles mais avec parfois des excédents de fichiers à corriger.- Caches : comment fais-tu pour avoir autant en cache ? Les caches sont utiles comme raccourcis de lancement > mais 22 Go --> il y a un problème.- Containers : là c'est vraiment le genre de dossier dans lequel je n'aime pas enquêter. Il y a une arborescence hyper compliquée > bref c'est le maquis.
Je te propose de mesurer les contenus de ces 3 dossiers --> voir si on peut cibler des localisations problématiques. Passe les commandes :
Bloc de code:sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/* sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Caches/* sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
- qui mesurent (en Gi) les contenus des 3 dossiers
Poste les retours.
Question : tu avais bien démasqué la Bibliothèque de ton dossier de compte ? Le Finder l'affiche bien dans l'espace global du dossier margotm ?
Je ne sais pas pour les caches, ils s'entassent sans que je demande rien haha
Je ne sais pas si j'ai démasqué la Bibliothèque de mon dossier de compte. Qu'est ce que ça signifie ?
Bloc de code:
Last login: Thu Sep 16 15:15:01 on ttys000
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$ sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/*
Sorry, try again.
13M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
8,8G /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Adobe
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/AdobeWLCMCache.dat
76K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/App Store
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CEF
4,6M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB
40K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions
8,6M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CoreParsec
460K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/DiskImages
52K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Dock
724K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Facebook
316M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Figma
32K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/FileProvider
4,1G /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Google
12M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Knowledge
2,8M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper 3
8,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MobileSync
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/OpenVR
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Preview
456K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Quick Look
8,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/ReiBoot
207M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Skype
802M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Slack
704K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Smart Code ltd
405M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Spotify
492K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/TrustedPeersHelper
93M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/WhatsApp
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/accountsd
420K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
3,2M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
132K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
12K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
1,7M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
316K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
872K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
388K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
2,2M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.MKCleanService
11M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.tenorshare.ReiBootPro
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/dmd
8,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/iCloud
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/iLifeMediaBrowser
328K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/icdd
8,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/io.branch
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/syncdefaultsd
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/tenorshare
0B /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/transparencyd
104K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/videosubscriptionsd
25M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$