Sujet unique Si le stockage « Système » prend trop de place

Bonjour Margot

Tu as 62 Gi = 67 Go dans la Bibliothèque de ton dossier de compte margotm --> c'est beaucoup trop. Ce qui pèse dans cette Bibliothèque : Application Support 15 Gi = 16 Go > Caches 20 Gi = 22 Go > Containers 21 Gi = 23 Go.

- Application Support : des ressources auxiliaires d'applications. Utiles mais avec parfois des excédents de fichiers à corriger.​
- Caches : comment fais-tu pour avoir autant en cache ? Les caches sont utiles comme raccourcis de lancement > mais 22 Go --> il y a un problème.​
- Containers : là c'est vraiment le genre de dossier dans lequel je n'aime pas enquêter. Il y a une arborescence hyper compliquée > bref c'est le maquis.​

Je te propose de mesurer les contenus de ces 3 dossiers --> voir si on peut cibler des localisations problématiques. Passe les commandes :
Bloc de code:
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Caches/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
  • qui mesurent (en Gi) les contenus des 3 dossiers

Poste les retours.

Question : tu avais bien démasqué la Bibliothèque de ton dossier de compte ? Le Finder l'affiche bien dans l'espace global du dossier margotm ?
Bonjour @macomaniac,

Je ne sais pas pour les caches, ils s'entassent sans que je demande rien haha
Je ne sais pas si j'ai démasqué la Bibliothèque de mon dossier de compte. Qu'est ce que ça signifie ?

Bloc de code:
Last login: Thu Sep 16 15:15:01 on ttys000

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$ sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Ap*\Sup*/*
Sorry, try again.
 13M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
8,8G    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Adobe
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/AdobeWLCMCache.dat
 76K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/App Store
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CEF
4,6M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB
 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions
8,6M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CoreParsec
460K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/DiskImages
 52K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Dock
724K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Facebook
316M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Figma
 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/FileProvider
4,1G    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Google
 12M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Knowledge
2,8M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper 3
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MobileSync
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/OpenVR
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Preview
456K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Quick Look
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/ReiBoot
207M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Skype
802M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Slack
704K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Smart Code ltd
405M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/Spotify
492K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/TrustedPeersHelper
 93M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/WhatsApp
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/accountsd
420K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
3,2M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
132K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
 12K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
1,7M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
316K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
872K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
388K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
2,2M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.MKCleanService
 11M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.tenorshare.ReiBootPro
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/dmd
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/iCloud
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/iLifeMediaBrowser
328K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/icdd
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/io.branch
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/syncdefaultsd
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/tenorshare
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/transparencyd
104K    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/videosubscriptionsd
 25M    /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$
Déjà, la présence de ces lignes peut faire craindre quelques soucis (probablement sans rapport direct avec la suroccupation du disque) :

2,8M /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper​
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper 3​
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper​
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper​
4,0K /Users/margotm/Library/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.MKCleanService​

Il te faut désinstaller proprement au plus tôt cet "inutilitaire" puis installer et lancer Malwarebytes (la version gratuite suffit) pour t'assurer que tout est propre...
@ Margot

Suis déjà les conseils d'Aliboron :coucou:. Par ailleurs > dans Application Support tu as un sous-dossier Adobe de 8,8 Gi = 9,5 Go et un de Google de 4,1 Gi = 4,4 Go. Ce qui doit refléter ton usage de logiciels Adobe et de Google - non ? Tout le reste est constitué d'une mitraille de sous-dossiers de petite taille où l'on ne peut rien espérer gagner de substantiel.

- tu as oublié de poster le retour des 2 autres commandes :​
Bloc de code:
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Caches/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
  • qui mesurent les contenus de Caches et Containers

Poste les retours => qu'on voie si l'on peut supprimer des fichiers dispensables et gagner de l'espace libre.

Note : "démasquer" ta Bibliothèque de compte --> veut dire que tu la vois affichée par le Finder comme dossier dans l'espace global de ton dossier de compte margotm. Est-ce que le cas actuellement ?
@ Margot

Suis déjà les conseils d'Aliboron :coucou:. Par ailleurs > dans Application Support tu as un sous-dossier Adobe de 8,8 Gi = 9,5 Go et un de Google de 4,1 Gi = 4,4 Go. Ce qui doit refléter ton usage de logiciels Adobe et de Google - non ? Tout le reste est constitué d'une mitraille de sous-dossiers de petite taille où l'on ne peut rien espérer gagner de substantiel.

- tu as oublié de poster le retour des 2 autres commandes :​
Bloc de code:
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Caches/*
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
  • qui mesurent les contenus de Caches et Containers

Poste les retours => qu'on voie si l'on peut supprimer des fichiers dispensables et gagner de l'espace libre.

Note : "démasquer" ta Bibliothèque de compte --> veut dire que tu la vois affichée par le Finder comme dossier dans l'espace global de ton dossier de compte margotm. Est-ce que le cas actuellement ?
Oui Adobe je ne peux pas y toucher.

Bloc de code:
Last login: Tue Sep 21 10:31:30 on ttys000

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$ sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Caches/*
bISorry, try again.
Sorry, try again.
140K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Acrobat
 19G    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Adobe
326M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Adobe Camera Raw 2
 87M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Adobe_CCXProcess.node
299M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/CSXS
 63M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/CloudKit
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Configuration
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/FamilyCircle
 21M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/GeoServices
576M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Google
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/Maps
1,1M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/PassKit
1,0M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/UXPLogs
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/VoiceTrigger
100K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/WhatsApp
 16K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/WhatsApp.ShipIt
 92K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.AIRobin
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro
152K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.AdobeIPCBroker
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.AfterEffects
112K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.InDesign
160K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7
5,7M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Photoshop
 88K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.PremierePro.14
152K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.acc.AdobeCreativeCloud
544K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.acc.AdobeDesktopService
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.accmac
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.aerendercore
 92K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.ame.application.14
 92K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.ccd.helper
1,1M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.headlights.LogTransport2App
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.illustrator
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.adobe.lightroom.tether-nikon
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
356K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
3,7M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 11M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 60K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
164K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
208K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
292K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
2,3M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
5,0M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
224K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 72K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 88K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 25M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
584K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
4,3M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
140K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
160K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 96K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
  0B    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 19M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
1,7M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
160K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
1,0M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
116K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
244K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 12K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
4,6M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
1,1M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
624K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.figma.Desktop
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.figma.Desktop.ShipIt
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.figma.FigmaDaemon
 92K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.figma.agent
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
7,6M    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
2,5G    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.spotify.client
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.spotify.client.helper
148K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap
 12K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap.ShipIt
212K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/com.wacom.Wacom-Desktop-Center
292K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/familycircled
4,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/iCloudUserNotification
8,0K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/
108K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/node
 84K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos
176K    /Users/margotm/Library/Caches/walletAvailabilityCheckTool
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$

Non je ne vois pas ma bibliothèque dans le finder. Qu'elle est la manipulation pour la démaquer ?

Merci encore :)
Non je ne vois pas ma bibliothèque dans le finder. Qu'elle est la manipulation pour la démaquer ?
Finder => onglet "Aller" en appuyant sur la touche Alt et tu vas la voir
@ Margot

Tu as 19 Gi = 20,5 Go de cache Adobe. Adobe qui te prend aussi 9,5 Go dans Application Support. Soit 30 Go en tout. Ce qui doit refléter un usage intensif de logiciels d'Adobe - n'est-ce pas ?

- tu n'as pas posté les résultats de la commande :​
Bloc de code:
sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
  • qui mesure (en Gi) les contenus de Containers - la 3è grosse concentration de fichiers dans ta Bibliothèque

Pour démasquer durablement ta Bibliothèque > passe d'abord la commande :
Bloc de code:
open ~
  • qui affiche l'espace global de ton dossier de compte margotm dans une fenêtre du Finder. Va alors à la barre de menus supérieure du Finder : Présentation > Afficher les options de présentation (en bas) => [palette collatérale] coche l'option : Afficher le dossier Bibliothèque (en bas encore). En conséquence un nouveau dossier intitulé Bibliothèque se trouve affiché par le Finder dans l'espace global de ton dossier de compte margotm. Tu peux aller y naviguer avec le Finder.
  • J’aime
Réactions: Vinzzz25
@macomaniac oui en effet je travaille tous les jours sur Adobe. Si je supprime des caches ça risque de réinitialiser mes logiciels ?

Voici le retour :
Bloc de code:
MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$ sudo du -sh ~/Lib*/Cont*/*
6,5M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.adobe.accmac.ACCFinderSync
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 44K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
300K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
128M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
4,3M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
120K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 52K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
120K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 16K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 56K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 52K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
508K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

MacBook-Pro-de-Margot-2:~ margotm$
Bloc de code:
224K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

872K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 21M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 52K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 54M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

552K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

120K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 53M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

412M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

148K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 16K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 16K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

176K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 44K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

208K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

2,1M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

500K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

8,4M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

4,2M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

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 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

172K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 12M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 60K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.wunderkinder.wunderlistdesktop
Bloc de code:
47M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

516K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 19M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

188K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 16M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 23M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 64K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 21G    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 52K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 68K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

124K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

132K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

552K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

3,4M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 15M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

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 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

260K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

128K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

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 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 18M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 40K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

1,8M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

292K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 36K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 20K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.fq.TopResults

 24K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.fq.TopResults.ext

 48K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.helloresolven.GIF-Brewery-3

320K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

9,9M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.milkbooks.App-cocoa

192M    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 32K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/

 28K    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/com.wacom.DataStoreMgr
C'est là :
Bloc de code:
 21G    /Users/margotm/Library/Containers/
  • 21 Gi = 23 Go. Tu dois avoir une base de données de courriers de Mail importante.
Bonjour alors j'ai le même souci d'espace occupé du système qui représente 208,8G sur sur un dd de 250g.

Commande 1
Bloc de code:
MacBook-Air-de-Eric:~ eric$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *251.0 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         250.8 GB   disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +250.8 GB   disk1
                                 Physical Store disk0s2
   1:                APFS Volume Macintosh HD            216.0 GB   disk1s1
   2:                APFS Volume Preboot                 10.6 MB    disk1s2
   3:                APFS Volume Recovery                510.4 MB   disk1s3
   4:                APFS Volume VM                      1.1 GB     disk1s4

Commande 2
Bloc de code:
MacBook-Air-de-Eric:~ eric$ df -H
Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused               ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1    251G   216G    33G    87% 1331378 9223372036853444429    0%   /
devfs           188k   188k     0B   100%     638                   0  100%   /dev
/dev/disk1s4    251G   1.1G    33G     4%       2 9223372036854775805    0%   /private/var/vm
map -hosts        0B     0B     0B   100%       0                   0  100%   /net
map auto_home     0B     0B     0B   100%       0                   0  100%   /home

Commande 3
Bloc de code:
MacBook-Air-de-Eric:~ eric$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: disabled.

Commande 4
Bloc de code:
MacBook-Air-de-Eric:~ eric$ sudo find -x / -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
  0B    /.HFS+ Private Directory Data
1,0K    /home
573M    /usr
256M    /.Spotlight-V100
1,0K    /net
 12K    /.DS_Store
  0B    /.PKInstallSandboxManager
4,0K    /.installer-compatibility
  0B    /.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware
2,5M    /bin
171G    /Previous Content
1,7M    /
  0B    /installer.failurerequests
  0B    /Network
1,0M    /sbin
  0B    /.file
  0B    /etc
  0B    /var
1,2G    /Library
  0B    /.Trashes
6,1G    /System
1,0G    /vm
221M    /.fseventsd
9,5G    /private
 16M    /.DocumentRevisions-V100
  0B    /.vol
8,8G    /Users
6,9G    /Applications
4,5K    /dev
  0B    /Volumes
  0B    /.TemporaryItems
  0B    /tmp
  0B    /.dbfseventsd
  0B    /cores
Bonsoir hey_ric

Voici ce qui plombe l'espace-disque -->
Bloc de code:
171G    /Previous Content
  • Previous Content : 171 Gi = 184 Go. Il s'agit des résidus inactifs d'une installation antérieure.

Passe la commande :
Bloc de code:
sudo rm -rf /"Previous Content" ; df -H /
  • qui supprime Previous Content (commande muette) > puis mesure (en Go) l'occupation du volume démarré et l'espace libre global dans le Conteneur

Poste le retour.
Merci pour tout vos conseils et surtout votre réactivité ;)

Bloc de code:
MacBook-Air-de-Eric:~ eric$ sudo rm -rf /"Previous Content" ; df -H /
Filesystem     Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused               ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1   251G    38G   211G    16%  651962 9223372036854123845    0% /

C'est parfait merci merci !!!!!

Fichiers joints

  • Capture d’écran 2021-10-23 à 21.40.03.png
    Capture d’écran 2021-10-23 à 21.40.03.png
    211 KB · Affichages: 81
Opération réussie : tu es retombé à 38 Go d'occupation du Conteneur pour le volume de démarrage > et 211 Go d'espace libre.

- tu peux voir venir...​
  • J’aime
Réactions: hey_ric
@macomaniac j'ai besoin de ton aide !!!
j'ai déjà lu plusieurs de tes messages très constructif mais je ne parviens pas à résoudre mon problème de système trop imposant sur Mojave.

Voici la réponse a la commande diskutil list:

Bloc de code:
Last login: Thu Nov 11 12:12:00 on console
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *121.3 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         121.1 GB   disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +121.1 GB   disk1
                                 Physical Store disk0s2
   1:                APFS Volume Macintosh HD            90.3 GB    disk1s1
   2:                APFS Volume Preboot                 44.2 MB    disk1s2
   3:                APFS Volume Recovery                510.5 MB   disk1s3
   4:                APFS Volume VM                      1.1 GB     disk1s4

/dev/disk2 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *129.8 GB   disk2
   1:                  Apple_HFS extention MAC           129.8 GB   disk2s1

TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$ df -H /
Filesystem     Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused               ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1   121G    90G    29G    76% 1173515 9223372036853602292    0%   /
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$ sudo find -x / -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
  0B    /.HFS+ Private Directory Data
1,0K    /home
613M    /usr
579M    /.Spotlight-V100
1,0K    /net
 12K    /.DS_Store
  0B    /.PKInstallSandboxManager
  0B    /.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware
2,5M    /bin
  0B    /installer.failurerequests
  0B    /Network
1,0M    /sbin
  0B    /.file
  0B    /etc
  0B    /var
7,8G    /Library
  0B    /.Trashes
8,1G    /System
3,5M    /.fseventsd
7,9G    /private
255M    /.DocumentRevisions-V100
  0B    /.vol
 33G    /Users
 24G    /Applications
4,5K    /dev
227M    /Volumes
  0B    /.TemporaryItems
  0B    /tmp
  0B    /cores
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$ tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
TEDE:~ ThomasDelagarde$

Peux-tu m'aider ? j'ai peur pour mon mac !
Merci d'avance,
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Bonsoir Thomas

Tu as 90,3 Go d'occupation de blocs du volume Macintosh HD. En regard je comptabilise 82,5 Gi = 89 Go de fichiers catalogués. On va dire que les valeurs correspondent.

Les 89 Go de fichiers se répartissent de manière binaire en :

- fichiers dédiés à l'utilisateur : Utilisateurs 33 Gi = 35 Go + Applications 24 Gi = 26 Go => 61 Go
- fichiers du Système : le reste soit 89 Go - 61 Go = 28 Go

Le Système a une taille tout à fait régulière. Ce qui prend principalement de la place > ce sont les 35 Go de données d'utilisateur et les 26 Go d'applications (tu as dû installer des logiciels tiers en plus des applications Apple natives). Est-ce que ces valeurs te surprennent ?
Bonsoir Thomas

Tu as 90,3 Go d'occupation de blocs du volume Macintosh HD. En regard je comptabilise 82,5 Gi = 89 Go de fichiers catalogués. On va dire que les valeurs correspondent.

Les 89 Go de fichiers se répartissent de manière binaire en :

- fichiers dédiés à l'utilisateur : Utilisateurs 33 Gi = 35 Go + Applications 24 Gi = 26 Go => 61 Go
- fichiers du Système : le reste soit 89 Go - 61 Go = 28 Go

Le Système a une taille tout à fait régulière. Ce qui prend principalement de la place > ce sont les 35 Go de données d'utilisateur et les 26 Go d'applications (tu as dû installer des logiciels tiers en plus des applications Apple natives). Est-ce que ces valeurs te surprennent ?
Bonsoir @macomaniac

Merci pour ta réponse,

Je comprends dans tes explication que le "Système" corresponde aux applications, fichier utilisateur et système 10.14.6.
Cependant ce n'est pas ce que je comprend par ce screen.
Si ces valeurs ne te surprennent pas c'est quelle ne doivent pas me surprendre,(je pense).

Fichiers joints

  • Capture d’écran 2021-11-11 à 18.11.15.png
    Capture d’écran 2021-11-11 à 18.11.15.png
    422,7 KB · Affichages: 81
Autre chose que je ne comprends pas c'est que l'espace du système augmente systématiquement... pk ?

Fichiers joints

  • Capture d’écran 2021-11-11 à 19.29.25.png
    Capture d’écran 2021-11-11 à 19.29.25.png
    413 KB · Affichages: 58
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Ton problème à la racine est que tu as un petit SSD de 121 Go > et que les OS récents de format apfs prennent de plus en plus d'espace. Ce qui laisse une marge restreinte pour les données de type utilisateur. La mesure des fichiers montre que tu as 61 Go de données orientées "utilisateur" (fichiers de compte et applications). Il reste 29 Go d'espace libre dans le Conteneur --> il n'y a donc pas le feu.

- qu'est-ce qui t'apparaît comme une anomalie ?​

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