Windows sur macbook air 2015 touche fn


Membre expert
Club iGen
17 Août 2006
2 332

J'ai absolument besoin d'inverser les touches fn et ctrl de mon clavier MacBook air que j'utilise avec Windows 10.

Pour ce faire j'ai installé deux logiciels : Windows ressource kit tool et SharpKeys. Ces deux logiciels permettent de réattribuer les fonctions au touches de mon MacBook SAUF le touche fn. Ce qui n'est pas sans me rendre malade.

Auriez-vous un conseil solution à me proposer ?

Je vous remercie pour votre aide.
Regarde du côté de l'excellent AutoHotKey.

Il y a par exemple ce script qui devrait te montrer comment modifier la prise en compte de la touche fn grâce à AutoHotKey.
Je sens que ça va me prendre plus de temps que je n'en ai à disposition....
L'installation du logiciel est simple et facile.
Ensuite, il "suffit" de trouver le bon script pour que cela marche. Celui vers lequel je t'ai aiguillé fait pas mal de choses et, entre autres, intervertit la touche "fn" et la touche "Ctrl" gauche.
Ça ressemble à ce que tu cherches à faire.
oui le logiciel je l'ai installé. Par contre je ne sais pas comment exécuter le script en question, où l'écrire, comment le compiler, etc.
Tu mets le script où ça te convient. Et quand tu double-cliques dessus, il est chargé dans AutoHotKey. Voilà.
Il faut le refaire à chaque fois que tu redémarres (ou te délogges puis te relogges).
Pour que ce soit toujours activé par défaut au démarrage de Windows, voir la méthode expliqué dans la FAQ (ici, pour être précis).
Tu mets le script où ça te convient. Et quand tu double-cliques dessus, il est chargé dans AutoHotKey. Voilà.
Il faut le refaire à chaque fois que tu redémarres (ou te délogges puis te relogges).
Pour que ce soit toujours activé par défaut au démarrage de Windows, voir la méthode expliqué dans la FAQ (ici, pour être précis).

Très concrètement par "mettre le script où ça me convient" ça veut dire que je fais un copier coller du code ci-dessous et que je le sauvegarde dans un fichier dont l'extension est .aht et ensuite je double clique sur le fichier en question ?

Bloc de code:

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x

; Language.........: English

; Platform.........: NT/XP/Vista

; Author...........: mrBTK


; Script Function..: Make Apple Wireless Keyboard useful in MS Windows:

;    - EJECT = Delete with repeat deleting on long pressing. Shift-DEL and other combinations works too.

;    - Swap FN & left Control

;    - FN-functions оn F3-F12 keys and arrow keys (use new-FN)

;    - FN+EJECT = drive eject

;    - F12 = INSERT (on your need, it simple to delete this feature: find in script "switch F12 to Insert" and delete the command)

;    - AWK POWER button toggle script suspending. Place in script directory two any sound files "on.wav" & "off.wav" for notification


; Based on.........: DLLCall: Support for Human Interface devices: some keymapping code

; By...............: Micha

; URL..............:

; Based on.........: HID/Extended input devices (MS Natural Keyboard 4000 etc.): HID operations code

; By...............: Shaun

; URL..............:


; Use..............: Spread the word! Just be sure to credit the writer of the original config

;                    and the authors of this file.


#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000

#SingleInstance force ; Replace any previous instance

DetectHiddenWindows, on

OnMessage(0x00FF, "InputMessage")

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


; Set screen title, to set the HWND

Gui, Show, x0 y0 h0 w0, AppleWKHelper

HWND := WinExist("AppleWKHelper")

hidMessage := 0

isSuspend := 0

; Variable for the modifier key

fnPressed := 0

fnPrevState := 0

ejPressed := 0

ejPrevState := 0

pwrPressed := 0

pwrPrevState := 0

; Variable for Fn <> Lctrl

lctrlPressed := 0

lctrlPrevState := 0


; handle HID input, set global vars, call modKeysProcessing

; List all of the "Raw Input" devices available for use and allow

; capture of output


; There may be more than one 'raw' device per device actually attached

; to the system. This is because these devices generally represent

; "HID Collections", and there may be more than one HID collection per

; USB device. For example, the Natural Keyboard 4000 supports a normal

; keyboard HID collection, plus an additional HID collection that can

; be used for the zoom slider and other important buttons

SizeofRawInputDeviceList := 8

SizeofRidDeviceInfo := 32

SizeofRawInputDevice := 12




RIDI_DEVICENAME := 0x20000007

RIDI_DEVICEINFO := 0x2000000b

RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100

RID_INPUT     := 0x10000003

;;get count of HID devices

Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceList", UInt, 0, "UInt *", Count, UInt, SizeofRawInputDeviceList)

VarSetCapacity(RawInputList, SizeofRawInputDeviceList * Count)

;;get list of HID devices

Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceList", UInt, &RawInputList, "UInt *", Count, UInt, SizeofRawInputDeviceList)

rimHIDregistered := 0

Loop %Count% { ;for all HID devices

   Handle := NumGet(RawInputList, (A_Index - 1) * SizeofRawInputDeviceList)

   Type := NumGet(RawInputList, (A_Index - 1) * SizeofRawInputDeviceList + 4)

   if (Type = RIM_TYPEMOUSE)

      TypeName := "RIM_TYPEMOUSE"

   else if (Type = RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)

      TypeName := "RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD"

   else if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)

      TypeName := "RIM_TYPEHID"


      TypeName := "RIM_OTHER"

;; get HID device name length

;   Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", UInt, Handle, UInt, RIDI_DEVICENAME, UInt, 0, "UInt *", Length)

;   VarSetCapacity(Name, Length + 2)

;; get HID device name

;   Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", UInt, Handle, UInt, RIDI_DEVICENAME, "Str", Name, "UInt *", Length)

; get HID device info 

   VarSetCapacity(Info, SizeofRidDeviceInfo) 

   NumPut(SizeofRidDeviceInfo, Info, 0)

   Length := SizeofRidDeviceInfo

   Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", UInt, Handle, UInt, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, UInt, &Info, "UInt *", SizeofRidDeviceInfo)

; Keyboards are always Usage 6, Usage Page 1, Mice are Usage 2, Usage Page 1,

; HID devices specify their top level collection in the info block

;   if (Type = RIM_TYPEMOUSE) {

;      Buttons := NumGet(Info, 4 * 3, "UShort")

;     SampleRate := NumGet(Info, 4 * 4, "UShort")

;      UsagePage := 1

;      Usage := 2

;   } else if (Type = RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD) {

;      Mode := NumGet(Info, 4 * 4, "UShort")

;     FunctionKeys := NumGet(Info, 4 * 5, "UShort")

;      UsagePage := 1

;      Usage := 6

;   }

; AWK modifier buttons is separate TYPEHID (rather keyboard standard buttons)

   if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)


      Vendor := NumGet(Info, 4 * 2, "UShort")

      Product := NumGet(Info, 4 * 3, "UShort")

      Version := NumGet(Info, 4 * 4, "UShort")

      UsagePage := NumGet(Info, (4 * 5), "UShort")

      Usage := NumGet(Info, (4 * 5) + 2, "UShort")


   VarSetCapacity(RawDevice, SizeofRawInputDevice)

   NumPut(RIDEV_INPUTSINK, RawDevice, 4)

   NumPut(HWND, RawDevice, 8)


   if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID && Vendor = 1452  && rimHIDregistered = 0) ; AWK Vendor number


      rimHIDregistered := 1

      NumPut(UsagePage, RawDevice, 0, "UShort")

      NumPut(Usage, RawDevice, 2, "UShort")   

;; Register AWK modifier buttons HID

      Res := DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "UInt", &RawDevice, UInt, 1, UInt, SizeofRawInputDevice)

      if (Res = 0) {

         MsgBox, Failed to register for AWK device!





Count := 1

InputMessage(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)


   global hidMessage 

   global isSuspend


   global RID_INPUT


; get HID input

   Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", UInt, lParam, UInt, RID_INPUT, UInt, 0, "UInt *", Size, UInt, 16)

   VarSetCapacity(Buffer, Size)

   Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", UInt, lParam, UInt, RID_INPUT, UInt, &Buffer, "UInt *", Size, UInt, 16)


   Type := NumGet(Buffer, 0 * 4)

;   if (Type = RIM_TYPEMOUSE)

;   {

;      LastX := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + (4 * 3)), "Int")

;      LastY := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + (4 * 4)), "Int")

;     hidMessage := 0

;   }

;   else if (Type = RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)

;   {

;      ScanCode := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 0), "UShort")

;      VKey :=

;      hidMessage := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 8))

;   }

;   else

   if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)


      SizeHid := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 0))

      InputCount := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 4))

      Loop %InputCount% {

         Addr := &Buffer + 24 + ((A_Index - 1) * SizeHid)

         hidMessage := Mem2Hex(Addr, SizeHid)

         ProcessHIDData(wParam, lParam)




} ; END: InputMessage

Mem2Hex( pointer, len )


   multiply := 0x100

   Hex := 0

   Loop, %len%  {

        Hex := Hex * multiply

        Hex := Hex + *Pointer+0

        Pointer ++


Return Hex

} ; END: Mem2Hex

ProcessHIDData(wParam, lParam)   ; set global vars for further handling


      global hidMessage

    global isSuspend


    global fnPressed

    global fnPrevState

    global ejPressed

    global ejPrevState

    global pwrPressed

    global pwrPrevState

    SetTimer, SendDelete, Off          

; Filter bit 5 (Fn key)

  Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF10, hidMessage

  if (FnValue = 0x1110) {

      ; Fn is pressed

        fnPrevState := fnPressed

        fnPressed := 1

  } else {

    ; Fn is released

        fnPrevState := fnPressed

        fnPressed := 0


; Filter bit 4 (Eject key)

  Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF08, hidMessage


  if (FnValue = 0x1108) {

      ; Eject is pressed

        ejPrevState := ejPressed

        ejPressed := 1

  } else {

      ; Eject is Released

        ejPrevState := ejPressed

        ejPressed := 0


; Filter bit 1 fnd 2 (Power key)

  Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF03, hidMessage

  if (FnValue = 0x1303) { ; Power is pressed

        pwrPrevState := 0

        pwrPressed := 1

    ; Toggle Suspend of this script.



  if (fnValue = 0x1302) {   

    ; Power is released

        pwrPrevState := 1

        pwrPressed := 0

    ; no anything doing оn power button release



  if (isSuspend = 0)


} ; END: ProcessHIDData

modKeysProcessing() { ; handle keypressing for modifier keys

  global fnPressed

  global ejPressed

  global ejPrevState

  global fnPrevState

  global lctrlPressed

  global lctrlPrevState


; Eject = delete with delay and repeat

  if (lctrlPressed = 0) {                       ; eject only pressed

     if (ejPressed = 1 and ejPrevState = 0) {      ; eject down

        if  (GetKeyState("Shift") or GetKeyState("Alt") or GetKeyState("Control")) {

           SendInput {Blind}{Delete}                      ; Edit::Cut and other w|o repeating

        } else if (fnPressed = 1) {

            SendInput {Ctrl}{Delete}                      ; ctrl - del

        } else {                                          ; No modifiers = Del with repeating

          SendInput {Delete}

          SetTimer, SendDelete, -800                         ; Delay for start repeating





; fn = rCtrl

  if (ejPressed = 0) {                           ; fn only pressed

     if (fnPressed = 1 and fnPrevState = 0)     ; fn down

        SendInput {rCtrl Down}

     if (fnPressed = 0 and fnPrevState = 1)     ; fn up

         SendInput {rCtrl Up}




; lctrl + Eject Up = optical drive eject

  if (lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0 and ejPrevState = 1 and fnPressed = 0)

    Drive, Eject

} ; END: modKeysProcessing



; Send Delete keystroke repeatedly while Eject still pressed




    ; repeating del while Eject still down

    if (ejPressed = 1) {

        SendInput {delete}

        SetTimer, SendDelete, -40          



chkSuspend() {


    global fnPressed

    global fnPrevState

    global ejPressed

    global ejPrevState

    global lctrlPressed

    global lctrlPrevState

    global pwrPressed

    global pwrPrevState

    global isSuspend  


    if (isSuspend = 0) {

        isSuspend := 1


        fnPressed := 0

        fnPrevState := 0

        ejPressed := 0

        ejPrevState := 0

        pwrPressed := 0

        pwrPrevState := 0

        lctrlPressed := 0

        lctrlPrevState := 0


        Suspend , On

        SetTimer, SendDelete, Off          

        SendInput {rCtrl Up}

        TrayTip, AWK Helper, Suspended, 1, 1

        Soundplay , off.wav      

    } else {

        isSuspend := 0

        Suspend , Off

        TrayTip, AWK Helper, Restored, 1, 1

        Soundplay , on.wav  


} ; END: chkSuspend

; switch F12 to Insert

*F12::sendInput {Blind}{Insert}


; lctrl = fn

; get up and down Lcontrol, sets global variables


$*lControl up::LCtrlUp()

LCtrlUp() {

  global lctrlPressed

  global lctrlPrevState

  lctrlPrevState := 1

  lctrlPressed := 0

  SendInput {F24 up}




LCtrlDn() {

  global lctrlPressed

  global lctrlPrevState

  lctrlPrevState := 0

  lctrlPressed := 1


  SetTimer, SendDelete, Off          

  SendInput {F24 down}





; Fn modifier: PrintScreen, Task Manager

; lctrl uses as fn




; fn+alt F3 = PrtScr for Active Window



hotkeyAltF3() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput !{PrintScreen}


        SendInput !{F3}




; fn+F3 = PrtScr



hotkeyF3() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {PrintScreen}


        SendInput {F3}




; fn+F4 = Run TM



hotkeyF4() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput +^{Esc}


        SendInput {F4}





; Fn modifier: Audio hotkeys, specified for WMP




; WinMPlayer: Previous



hotkeyF7() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Media_Prev}  ; Previous


        SendInput {F7}




; WinMPlayer: Pause/Unpause



hotkeyF8() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Media_Play_Pause} ; Pause/Unpause


        SendInput {F8}




; WinMPlayer: Next





    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Media_Next} ; Next


        SendInput {F9}





; Fn modifier: Audio hotkeys, system volume




; System volume: Mute/Unmute



hotkeyF10() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Volume_Mute} ; Mute/unmute the master volume.


        SendInput {F10}




; System volume: Volume Down



hotkeyF11() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Volume_Down} ; Lower the master volume by 1 interval (typically 5%)


        SendInput {F11}




; System volume: Volume Down



hotkeyF12() {

    global fnPressed

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0 and fnPressed = 0)

        SendInput {Volume_Up}  ; Raise the master volume by 1 interval (typically 5%).


        SendInput {Insert}





; Fn modifier: Arrow keys




; Page Up



hotkeyPgUp() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0) {

        if (GetKeyState("Shift"))

            SendInput {rCtrl Up}+{PgUp}


            SendInput {rCtrl Up}{PgUp}

    } else

        SendInput {UP}




; Page Down



hotkeyPgDn() {

    global fnPressed

    global ejPressed

    global ejPrevState

    global fnPrevState

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {rCtrl Up}{PgDn}


        SendInput {Down}




; Home



hotkeyHome() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {rCtrl Up}{Home}


        SendInput {Left}




; End



hotkeyEnd() {

    global ejPressed

    global lctrlPressed

    if(lctrlPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)

        SendInput {rCtrl Up}{End}


        SendInput {Right}

