Mail recu d'apple :
You won't want to miss the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
(WWDC 2004) in San Francisco, where CEO Steve Jobs will unveil
"Tiger," the next release of Mac OS X -- Apple's critically
acclaimed operating system. WWDC is your opportunity to preview this
new release and discover how Tiger will fuel the next generation of
developer innovation.
J'ai hate de voir les nouvelles innonvation que Steve nous à créees.
You won't want to miss the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
(WWDC 2004) in San Francisco, where CEO Steve Jobs will unveil
"Tiger," the next release of Mac OS X -- Apple's critically
acclaimed operating system. WWDC is your opportunity to preview this
new release and discover how Tiger will fuel the next generation of
developer innovation.
J'ai hate de voir les nouvelles innonvation que Steve nous à créees.