C'est vrai, mais franchement, on prend une razer pour son capteur, pas vraiment pour ses boutons latéraux (en tout cas, moi, c'est comme ça

Mais tu as raison, chez razer, ils devraient se mettre en cheville avec Montalcini, le dev d'USB-Overdrive, pour donner aux utilisateurs mac une licence gratuite, quitte à lui répercuter un pourcentage sur les ventes faites aux mac-users... :zen:
Je vais mailer le razerguy à ce propos, tiens... Merci kisco !
C'est fait, attendons la réponse
Mon mail ci-joint pour info :
Hi there !
I bought your brand new CH mouse and I'm quite impressed by the response - Pfeww - It rocks !*
As a mac user, I already use USB overdrive for my vipers (a genuine and an "always on modded" one), my boomslang 2100 and my DB magma.
But unfortunately, the CH is named as" Razer mouse $0101" and not "USB mouse" - so USB overdrive does'nt recognize it.*
(neither MacOs 10.4.2 which prompts me to configure this new keyboard I just plug-in...)
By the way, I loose the two thumb-button functions.
So... Is it fantasy to believe you can make a deal with Alessandro Levi Montalcini ?
Mac users could get a free licence in tis way, and the ALM guy get some money for each mac-user who's registering
His last tune-up for his generic driver is dedicated for the mighty mouse..*
Can you believe that ? Crappy, isn't it ?
Your faitfully and always on
(sorry for my poor english, I'm a brezoneg guy

PS : could you tell me if the usb 2.0 bus is REALLy more accurate for the CH than the 1.1 one ?