iCal and MobileMe calendar have shifted times
We previously
reported a problem wherein users' calendar event times shifted by an hour or so, resulting in inconsistencies between iCal and MobileMe calendars. We previously suggested that users check the system's time zone and reset the calendar sync data through the MobileMe system preferences. In addition, it appeared this problem was related to the use of time zone support in both iCal and MobileMe, and recommendations were to uncheck these settings in the calendar applications. It seems in addition to iCal and MobileMe, this problem has been prevalent with iPhone users, and has been fixed by these users also turning off time zone support in the iPhone calendar application.
Fix: Turn off Time Zone support in the iPhone In the time zone, go to the General settings and choose "Date & Time; then select the option to turn Time Zone Support on. If this does not fix the problem, it is recommended to try the suggestions in the original MacFixIt