Mais en le cherchant SSGUI sur Google, j'ai trouvé ça qui semble en outre régler un problème entre SSGUI et SS 2.3, tu n'as qu'à l'essayer !
Merci Pascal 77. Cependant ça n'aide pas au lancement de SheepShaver. Quand je veux ouvrir ce dernier, ou il ne se passe rien ou j'ai un message comme quoi Safari ne prend pas en charge la "community toolbar"...
Et à ce propos, je cite (topic sur les émulateurs):
"SheepShaver Setup Manual for Mac OS X (Tiger or Leopard)
To keep it simple, I will describe a setup with all files together in a folder "SheepShaver". That folder can be anywhere you like, for instance in your Home folder. If the needed files are in the same folder with SheepShaver, no full paths are required for configuration, just file names will work. (Files and folders can be renamed and/or moved to different locations afterwards, provided you make sure the new names and/or full paths to the files are entered in SheepShaver preferences.)
Note: Changed settings in preferences are saved when the preferences window is closed, but the changes will not take effect until the SheepShaver application is quit and launched again.
Note: With most compatible ROM files SheepShaver for Mac OS X can only run Mac OS 8.5, 8.6, 9.0 or 9.0.4. and only generic install CDs for those Mac OS versions can be used. A system install CD provided with a new Mac will usually only install on that specific model. SheepShaver cannot run 9.1 or later.
D'où que je ne parviens pas à trouver de tutoriel à jour...