un comparatif mac/pc valable !

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Club iGen
20 Février 2000
35 805
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Dans le but de faire switcher un PC User je recherche un comparatif fiable (je precise) mac/pc sur le net, qui a ça sous la main ?
Ben si même Macinside a besoin de ça pour faire switcher un PC user, on est mal barré....
Un comparatif Mac/WC fiable sur internet, ça va être dur je le craint

Par contre si le bonhomme commence par demander du concret sur Internet, il va plutôt falloir commencer par lui expliquer certaines notions informatique de base.

Bref, bonne chance à toi, moi j'ai abandonné les switchs, j'ai pas assez de temps à y consacrer et comme les argumentaires simple ne leur suffisent pas, je laisse le soin au département marketing d'Apple de se casser les dents avec des gens qui ne se décourage pas de devoir redémarrer leurs bourins 14X par jour, mais ça c'est pas concret aussi faut dire !!

Amen ...
tu trouvera pas de comparatif valable sur le net n'y ailleur...dsl

ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas ecouté robert johnson bien vu ta foto Ilitch !

pour la peine voici une petite complainte...

When you got a good friend

that will stay right by your side
When you got a good friend
that will stay right by your side
Give her all of your spare time
love and treat her right
I mistreated my baby

and I can't see no reason why
I mistreated my baby
and I can't see no reason why
Everytime I think about it
I just wring my hands and cry
Wonder could I bear apologize

or would she sympathize with me
Mmmmm mmm mmm
would she sympathize with me
She's a brownskin woman
just as sweet as a girlfriend can be
Mmmm mmm

babe, I may be right ay wrong
Baby, it's yo'y opinion
oh, I may be right ay wrong
Watch your close friend, baby
then your ene'ies can't do you no harm
When you got a good friend

that will stay right by your side
When you got a good friend
that will stay right by your side
Give her all of your spare time-aah
love and treat her right
Incroyable !!!!!

Un mec qui connait robert johnson !!!

Merci bien !

Tiens en voilà une autre...

Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
I got a girls, say she long and tall
She sleeps in the kitchen with her feets in the hall
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes, she got'em for sale, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
She got two for a nickel, got four for a dime
Would sell you more, but they ain't none of mine
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes, she got'em for sale, yes, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
I got a letter from a girl in the room
Now she got something good she got to bring home soon, now
Its hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got em for sale, I mean
Yes, she got'em for sale, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got em for sale
(spoken) They're too hot boy!
The billy got back in a bumble bee nest
Ever since that he can't take his rest, yeah
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes you got'em for sale, I mean
Yes, she got'em for sale Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
(spoken) Man don't mess around em hot tamales now
(spoken) Cause they too black bad, if you mess around em hot tamales
(spoken) I'm onna upset your backbone, put your kidneys to sleep
(spoken) I'll due to break away your liver and dare your heart to beat bout my
Hot tamales cause they red hot, yes they got em for sale, I mean
Yes, she got em for sale, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
You know grandma left and grandpa too
Well I wonder what in the world we chillun gon do now
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes she got'em for sale Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
Me and my babe bought a V-8 Ford
Well we wind that thing all on the runnin board, yes
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes she got'em for sale, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
They're too hot boy!
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes, now she got em for sale
You know the monkey, now the baboon playin in the grass
Well the monkey stuck his finger in that old 'Good Gulf Gas', now
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes she got'em for sale, yeah Hot tamales and they're red hot,
yes she got'em for sale
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale
I got a girls, say she long and tall
Sleeps in the kitchen with her feets in the hall
Hot tamales and they're red hot, yes she got'em for sale, I mean
Yes she got'em for sale, yeah

<blockquote><font class="small">Post&eacute; &agrave; l'origine par Ilitch:</font><hr /> Incroyable !!!!!

Un mec qui connait robert johnson !!!


il n'est pas le seul ,moi aussi je connais...j'ai meme un disuqe de lui:king of the dela blues singer
C'est son seul vrai disque...

Mais depuis une compile exhaustive est sortie chez sony/columbia...tout y est.
c'est marrant que tu mettes la chanson reprise par les red hot chilli peppers jai failli le faire !!!

voici une de mes preferés

Terraplane Blues

And I feel so lonesome

you hear me when I moan
When I feel so lonesome
You hear me when I moan
Who been drivin' my Terraplane
for you since I been gone
I'd said I flash your lights, mama
your horn won't even blow
spoken: Somebody's been runnin' my batteries
down on this machine
I even flash my lights, mama

this horn won't even blow
Got a short in this connection
hoo-well, babe, it's way down below
I'm on'h'ist your hood, mama

I'm bound to check your oil
I'm on'h'ist your hood, mama-mmm
I'm bound to check your oil
I got a woman that I'm lovin'
way down in Arkansas
Now, you know the coils ain't even buzzin'

little generator won't get the spark
Motor's in a bad condition, you gotta have
these batteries charged
But I'm cryin', please
plea-hease don't do me wrong
Who been drivin' my Terraplane now for
you-hoo since I've been gone
Mr. Highway man

plea-hease don't block the road
Puh hee hee
plea-hease don't block the road
Cause she's re'ist'rin a cold one hundred
and I'm booked and I got to go
Mmm mmm

mmm mmm mmm
You ooo ooo ooo
You hear me weep and moan
Who been drivin' my Terraplane now for
you-hoo since I been gone
I'm on get deep down in this connection

keep tanglin' with your wires
I'm on get deep down in this connection
hoo-well, keep tanglin' with these wires
And when I mash down on your little starter
then your spark plug will give me fire

Je crains qu'on ne fasse jeter...

mais bon...

Voici celle que je préferre :

Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
You'd better come on in my kitchen
babe it going to be rainin outdoors
Ah the woman I love
took from my best friend
Some joker got lucky
stiole her back again
You'd better come on in my kitchen
babe it going to be rainin outdoors
Oh-ah she's gone
I know she won't come back again
I've taken the last nickel
out of her nation sack
You'd better come on in my kitchen
babe it going to be rainin outdoors
When a woman gets in trouble
everybody throws her down
Lookin for her good friend
none can be found
You'd better come on in my kitchen
babe it going to be rainin outdoors
Winter time's comin
its gonna be slow
You can't make the winter babe
thats dry long so
You'd better come on in my kitchen
babe it going to be rainin outdoors

Et une petite curiosité historique ou on remarquera que R.J. situe Chicago en Californie...

Oh baby don't you want to go
Oh baby don't you want to go
Back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago

Oh baby don't you want to go
Oh baby don't you want to go
Back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago

Now one and one is two
two and two is four
I'm heavy loaded baby
I'm booked I gotta go

Cryin baby
honey don't you want to go
back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago

Now two and two is four
four and two is six
You gonna keep monkeyin round here friend-boy
you gonna get your business all in a trick

But I'm cryin baby
honey don't you wanna go
Back to the land of California
to my sweet home chicago

Now six and two is eight
eight and two is ten
Friend-boy she trick you one time
she sure gonna do it again

But I'm cryin hey hey
baby don't you want to go
back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago

I'm goin to california
from there to Des Moines Iowa
Somebody will tell me that you
need my help someday

cryin hey hey
baby don't you want to go
back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago

je trouve tj pas de comparatif mac/pc valable mince alors
(c'est pour pas se faire jeter

non non il situe chicago a chicago

Back to the land of california
to my sweet home chicago
= de retour de la terre de californie pour mon foyer de chicago (en fait il prend la route66 a l'envers !)

j'adore cette chanson aussi enfin RJ je le trouve genial son jeux de guitare est tout simplement démentiel on croit entendre 2 gtr !!! trop fort et c'est devenue un grand inspirateur pour bcp de musiciens jusqu'a aujourd'hui
Il l'est devenu tard...mais c'est déjà ça...

Moi j'aime surtout beaucoup blind willie mctell qui a un style plus "ragtime" et j'aime vachement...

mais c'est vrai tout gratteux doit se pencher sur le style de RJ...
blind lemon jefferson voila un maitre de la gratte (dur de touver c disk )

tin les comparatifs mac / pc ça cour pas le net
Justement j'ai essayé en peer to peer hier soir, pas trouvé un !!!

Si tu es sur Paris va voir chez Boogie.
jai trouvé ses disk a londres ...
<blockquote><font class="small">Post&eacute; &agrave; l'origine par Ilitch:</font><hr /> Je crains qu'on ne fasse jeter...

Z'êtes déjà au bar, pouvez pas tomber plus bas
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