si ce n'est pas compliqué et contraignant pk pas,L'autre disque (le HDD) avait été repartitionné avec un petit volume intitulé BOOT d'environ 9 Go.
- on peut remettre à zéro ce disque si tu veux. Tu peux t'en servir de stockage > mais j'ai une suspicion à son égard (à cause de l'échec de reconstruction d'un Fusion Drive).
disutil list
Last login: Wed Jan 22 20:36:35 on console
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$ diskutil
Disk Utility Tool
Utility to manage local disks and volumes
Most options require root access to the device
Usage: diskutil [quiet] <verb> <options>, where <verb> is as follows:
list (List the partitions of a disk)
info[rmation] (Get information on a specific disk or partition)
listFilesystems (List file systems available for formatting)
activity (Continuous log of system-wide disk arbitration)
u[n]mount (Unmount a single volume)
unmountDisk (Unmount an entire disk (all volumes))
eject (Eject a disk)
mount (Mount a single volume)
mountDisk (Mount an entire disk (all mountable volumes))
enableJournal (Enable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
disableJournal (Disable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
moveJournal (Move the HFS+ journal onto another volume)
enableOwnership (Treat as exact User/Group IDs for a mounted volume)
disableOwnership (Ignore on-disk User/Group IDs for a mounted volume)
rename[Volume] (Rename a volume)
verifyVolume (Verify the file system data structures of a volume)
repairVolume (Repair the file system data structures of a volume)
verifyDisk (Verify the components of a partition map of a disk)
repairDisk (Repair the components of a partition map of a disk)
verifyPermissions (Verify the permissions of a Mac OS X volume)
repairPermissions (Repair the permissions of a Mac OS X volume)
eraseDisk (Erase an existing disk, removing all volumes)
eraseVolume (Erase an existing volume)
reformat (Erase an existing volume with same name and type)
eraseOptical (Erase optical media (CD/RW, DVD/RW, etc.))
zeroDisk (Erase a disk, writing zeros to the media)
randomDisk (Erase a disk, writing random data to the media)
secureErase (Securely erase a disk or freespace on a volume)
partitionDisk ((re)Partition a disk, removing all volumes)
resizeVolume (Resize a volume, increasing or decreasing its size)
splitPartition (Split an existing partition into two or more)
mergePartitions (Combine two or more existing partitions into one)
appleRAID <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to AppleRAID)
coreStorage <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to CoreStorage)
diskutil <verb> with no options will provide help on that verb
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$ diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *128.0 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Untitled 127.2 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk1
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
2: Apple_HFS HDD 990.0 GB disk1s2
3: Apple_HFS BOOT 9.7 GB disk1s3
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$
diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ HDD gpt disk1
diskutil rename disk0s2 SSD
Last login: Wed Jan 22 20:58:49 on console
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$ diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ HDD gpt disk1
Started erase on disk1
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Waiting for the disks to reappear
Formatting disk1s2 as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with name HDD
Initialized /dev/rdisk1s2 as a 931 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 81920k journal
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk1
slicimmos-iMac:~ sylejmani$
diskutil list
rm /Volumes/Lion/var/db/.AppleSetupDone
rm /Volumes/Lion/var/db/.AppleSetupDone