Diablo II sur Imac rev A + 3d fx game wizard

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Membre supprimé 2

Quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer comment faire pour pouvoir utiliser ma carte 3dfx avec ce jeux
Il faut probablement utiliser la technologie "Glide" avec le jeu. En lancant Diablo, maintiens appuyée la touche alt (si c pas ca maintiens appuyées les touches alt ctrl et pomme, ca marchera forcément). Normalement tu peux choisir entre Software, Rave ou Glide dans la boite de dialogue qui apparaitra. Prend Glide. Si tu peux pas, t'as du oublier d'installer un truc.

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Trouve sur internet (site 3Dfx)

A:here's a reader post from the 3dfx forums here that might be of help. " well, I've finally managed to get the iMac Gamewizard and Diablo 2 running together .. more or less. I created a voodoo2.var file in my diablo 2 folder with the following contents:[simpletext can create this file, then copy it to your Diablo II game folder-Mike] --- Start file [VOODOO2] SSTV2_REFRESH_512x384=60SSTV2_REFRESH_640x480=120SSTV2_REFRESH_800x600=95SSTV2_REFRESH_1024x768=75SSTV2_VSYNCSSTV2_GRXCLK=90FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL=0FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH=1--- End File Now, this lets the 640x480 parts work just fine -- the intro movies and the actual game play, but a series of screens seem to be in 800x600 mode. After the first two movies finish, press command-M to switch to window mode, select what you need, and when it starts to load (the opening door appears) hit command-M again to switch to full-screen and it should work fine. I usually get 24 fps like this, but it does hitch from time to time, but I've seen that on the best PC machines as well. "