J'ai une question, je me suis mis a Geek Tool, et j'ai cherché parotut sur le forum mais jai pas eu envie de chercher dans ce vaste sujet :
Quelqu'un peut me donner le code pour le calendrier en longueur???
(genre le calendrier en haut du desktop qui fais la longueur)
Merci :zen:
cal | sed "s/^/ /;s/$/ /;s/ $(date +%e) / $(date +%e | sed 's/./#/g') /" | sed -e '1d' -e '2p;2p;2p;2p' | sed -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' | sed "s/^/ /;s/$/ /;s/ $(date +%e) /\|$(date +%e)\|/" | sed -e "s/^\ \ //"
Essaie ceci, je l'avais chopé, je ne sais plus où,....
Bloc de code:cal | sed "s/^/ /;s/$/ /;s/ $(date +%e) / $(date +%e | sed 's/./#/g') /" | sed -e '1d' -e '2p;2p;2p;2p' | sed -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' -e '$!N;s/\n/ /' | sed "s/^/ /;s/$/ /;s/ $(date +%e) /\|$(date +%e)\|/" | sed -e "s/^\ \ //"
Kinesam, le calendrier que tu cherches s'appelle DateLine, et tu le trouveras ici
Ca m'est arrivé également. As-tu un script mal écrit activé par hasard ?
tell application "System Events"
if exists process "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
set unreadCount to unread count of inbox
if (unreadCount is equal to 1) then
set the_sender to get the sender of (messages of inbox whose read status is false) as string
set name_senders to extract name from the_sender
return "one new message"
if (unreadCount is equal to 0) then
return "No message"
if (unreadCount is greater than 1) then
set the_sender to get the sender of (messages of inbox whose read status is false) as string
set name_senders to extract name from the_sender
return (unreadCount as string) & " new messages"
end if
end if
end if
end tell
end try
return "Mail off"
end if
end tell
ps -arcx -o "%cpu" -o "%mem" -o "command" | awk '{ if (FNR <= 14) {printf("%c%c%3.1f %% ", ($1 < 100 ? " " : ""),
($1 < 10 ? "0" : ""), $1);printf("%c%c%3.1f %% ", ($2 < 100 ? " " : ""), ($2 < 10 ? "0" : ""), $2); for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++)
{printf("%s ", $i);} printf("\n"); } }' | tail -13
echo " "
echo "Connection Airport : $(if ifconfig en1 | grep netmask | awk '{print $2}' | grep "." ; then echo ""; else echo "OFF"; fi)";
curl adresseip.sur-la-toile.com/ | grep "Votre adresse IP est" | awk -F[\ \<] '{print "Adresse IP : " $6}'
tell application "System Events"
if exists process "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
set unreadCount to unread count of inbox
if (unreadCount is equal to 1) then
set the_sender to get the sender of (messages of inbox whose read status is false) as string
set name_senders to extract name from the_sender
return "un nouveau message"
if (unreadCount is equal to 0) then
return "Vous n'avez aucun nouveau message"
if (unreadCount is greater than 1) then
set the_sender to get the sender of (messages of inbox whose read status is false) as string
set name_senders to extract name from the_sender
return (unreadCount as string) & " nouveaux messages"
end if
end if
end if
end tell
end try
return "Mail off"
end if
end tell
Bonjour à tous,
comment mettre l'hephemeride sous geektool ou le saint du jour?
Merci de votre aide