Je pense que cet article pourra intéresser les possesseurs de MB non santa rosa dont ils veulent augmenter la ram:
On peut remarquer que passer à 4go de ram n'apporte pas un gain de performance énorme et que le fait que le dual channel ne soit pas activer (en configuration 2go+1go par exemple) n'entraîne qu'une légère perte de performance dans les jeux (ici Halo). Etant donné que le MB n'est pas fait pour les gamers...
Bon, ben c'est bien ce que je disais...
The bottom line? The results of our testing did not support Apple's recommendation and rather make it very clear that in addition to the potential economic advantages, there are real performance advantages to having more memory - even if it means not having a pair. It is our recommendation to upgrade memory, be it one at a time or with a pair, or to 3.0GB - based on what you need and what your budget allows.
NOTE: A 4.0GB (2GB x 2 Pair) configuration was also tested by 'popular demand'. Although the Core 2 Duo Macs are limited to 3.0GB addressed, the 4GB Set (2GB x 2 Pair) does appear enable 128 Bit addressing. While there does seem to be a small performance benefit gained with the 4.0GB vs. 3.0GB config, we'd recommend sticking with 3.0GBs max (in Core 2 Duos) unless you absolutely are seeking every last trickle of performance boost possible.