Comme je m'y attendais un peu le MAC s'est mis en route à 2h pile.
Par contre, la console m'affiche des messages différents des autres jours. Peut-être que la solution se trouve dedans.
Ci-desous les messages d'une séquence :
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 kernel[0] RTC: Maintenance 2016/4/21 00:00:00, sleep 2016/4/20 20:48:37
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 kernel[0] AirPort_Brcm43xx:
owerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 kernel[0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::checkInterfacePowerState: Check _pwrOffThreadCall!
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 kernel[0] Previous sleep cause: 5
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 syslogd[43] ASL Sender Statistics
21/04/2016 02:00:01,000 kernel[0] 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
21/04/2016 02:00:03,000 kernel[0] Ethernet [nvenet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, No flow-control, Debug [796d,0000,0de1,0005,41e1,0000]
21/04/2016 02:00:03,000 kernel[0] 05f5e100 00100026 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - Active
21/04/2016 02:00:03,000 kernel[0] in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0x7b5d5378fd3aba45 has no prefix
21/04/2016 02:00:03,151 configd[52] LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
21/04/2016 02:00:08,949 configd[52] network changed: v4(en0-: DNS- Proxy-
21/04/2016 02:00:09,285 sandboxd[141] ([413]) deny mach-lookup
21/04/2016 02:00:09,528[388] [02:00:09.528] <<<< CRABS >>>> crabsFlumeHostUnavailable: [0x7fc422b2f5f0] Byte flume reports host unavailable.
21/04/2016 02:00:09,529[388] [02:00:09.529] <<<< CRABS >>>> crabsFlumeConnectionToHostLost: [0x7fc422b2f5f0] Byte flume reports connection to host lost. No error specified, using kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost.
21/04/2016 02:00:09,529[945] [02:00:09.529] <<<< CRABS >>>> crabsFlumeHostUnavailable: [0x7f8cb3b07340] Byte flume reports host unavailable.
21/04/2016 02:00:09,529[945] [02:00:09.529] <<<< CRABS >>>> crabsFlumeConnectionToHostLost: [0x7f8cb3b07340] Byte flume reports connection to host lost. No error specified, using kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost.
21/04/2016 02:00:09,553 symptomsd[199] __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
21/04/2016 02:00:09,591 netbiosd[816] network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
21/04/2016 02:00:09,934 configd[52] network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
21/04/2016 02:00:10,447 symptomsd[199] __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
21/04/2016 02:00:10,513 SubmitDiagInfo[473] Couldn't load config file from on-disk location. Falling back to default location. Reason: Won't serialize in _readDictionaryFromJSONData due to nil object
21/04/2016 02:00:21,062 sandboxd[141] ([413]) deny mach-lookup
21/04/2016 02:00:33,068 sandboxd[141] ([413]) deny mach-lookup
21/04/2016 02:00:45,073 sandboxd[141] ([413]) deny mach-lookup
21/04/2016 02:00:55,000 kernel[0] PM response took 1994 ms (53, powerd)
21/04/2016 02:00:55,000 kernel[0] AirPort_Brcm43xx:
owerChange: System Sleep
21/04/2016 02:01:56,000 kernel[0] 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
21/04/2016 02:00:56,000 kernel[0] Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)